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RE: karao7a - My introduction post to Skatehive

in SkateHivelast year

Yeah i like to compare the web3 world we're in, t early internet. At first only nerds / geeks used the internet because it was hard to use, and then operating systems were developed that made it more user friendly. Of course in the mean time the Dot Com bubble happened, popped, and many people claimed that the internet was a fad full of scams that wouldn't last.
Of course it takes but a short glance at history to see the path a least resistance / convenience lead to the monopoly we see with industry such as plastics which are now polluting everything, or how Amazon controls most products sold online. The point I'm trying to make is that I believe we're contributing to a future where we take the power back, give it to the people, and prevent the cycle of monopolies from repeating. But yes, at first it will be hard, and complicated, but in the end extremely rewarding.