Just go with the flow of life
I find it absolutely crazy how many things I have found in my past, that seemingly hinted at my future on a sailboat. Which seems odd since despite the my apparent attraction to things with sailboats on them, I didn't actual have any desire, or even hint of an idea that I wanted too sail, let alone live on a sailboat. After all, I grew up on the prairies, literally the center of Canada, and as far away from an ocean as possible. Yet by going with the flow of life, it has lead me too where I am now like if it was all part of the plan in the first place.
First off is the longboard I helped design back in 2016 called the Navigator by Scam Skate. Now all I did was influence it's shape, along with the Winnipeg Longboarding community I had started. I had no say in the name Navigator, nor the nautical compass on the original, or the tall ship blueprints on the 2018 model in the pictures. So since 2016 I have been riding a nautical themed longboard, all the way up to the 2023 Danger Bay longboard race, which was where a friend of mine offered me a ride back to Vancouver in his sailboat Trinity II, and that's the moment when I decided to become a sailor!
This next picture is even older! This was my first ever trip to BC, on my way up to the peak of one of the Lion's Head mountains, wearing a favorite shirt from Landyatchz with a tall ship on the front of it.
This is the oldest clue I could find a picture of. This picture is from 2010, but I actually got this shirt when I was in high school. What you can't see is the tiny embroidery that says "salers" on it. Granted it's not "sailors", but it's pronounced the same. Someone told me it was a department store that went under, and this was the sales person's shirts, but I couldn't find any evidence of that. I just know I always thought of it as my sailor shirt.
This is just a couple examples that I recently found pictures of, but there's ton more that hopefully one day I can show everyone more examples of later.
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this is so cool! thanks for sharing
Great to see capitains posts!