 11 months ago  

Brother, how much money you need? If it's not much we can do a community fundraiser or a proposal to Skatehive DAO and cover a those expenses, and you shred the contest with a Skatehive t-shirt?

This way we can both support you and promote our community at the same time

The costs amount to a total of $400. Your idea of ​​making a proposal to the Skatehive DAO is great, I would love to represent Skatehive in the competition. Can we do that? Thank you very much for the idea! 🙏

 11 months ago  

what Vlad said! Join the discord and lets discuss!

I am working now. When I get home, I will call you on Discord to discuss this.thanks bro!

 11 months ago  

Have my vote, why dont you create a thread in server to we to discuss ?

Vamooo Mera !!! vc é um mano que tem que estar nessa fita boa sorte irmão !!

Valew irmão, Tmj!!! 🙏

Valew irmão, Tmj!!! 🙏

Boaaaa Meraaaaa!!!!

🙏 tks bro!

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