Hi all Skate Hive Community!!!
In 2019 there was a Boom around Skateboarding, motivated and promoted by @sketch17, the number of skaters that appeared was incredible, some who already practiced it before although at that time they did not do it frequently and others, like me :), who rode for the first time , attracted not only by skateboarding, also because of the circle of good vibes that was forming around it.
En 2019 hubo un Boom entorno al Skateboarding motivado y promovido por @sketch17, fue increíble la cantidad skaters que fueron apareciendo, algunos que ya lo practicaban antes aunque en ese momento no lo hacían con frecuencia y otros, como yo :), quienes montamos por primera vez, atraídos no solo por el skate, también por círculo de buenas vibraciones que se estaba formando alrededor.
The small town of Monforte de Lemos became Mordor on wheels, you began to see skateboarders and longboarders on the streets and when passing by any spot you would find a group of them practicing and enjoying it.
La pequeña ciudad de Monforte de Lemos se volvió Mordor sobre ruedas, se empezaron a ver skaters y longboarders por las calles y al pasar por cualquier spot encontrabas a algún grupo de ellos practicando y disfrutándolo.
on which you can Take a look HereAnd so the beautiful MordorGrinders project created by @sketch17 grew,
sobre el que podéis Echar un vistazo AquíY así fue creciendo el bonito proyecto MordorGrinders creado por @sketch17,
And although the Covid and its restrictions, among other reasons, shrunk the circle and has made us lose the routine, there is still a remnant of what it meant for many to be part of MordorGrinders.
His PostIn addition, and perhaps as a result of that movement, here in Monforte are finishing the construction of a new and small skatepark that @sketch17 told us about in
Y aunque con el Covid y sus restricciones, entre otros motivos, encogió el círculo y nos ha hecho perder la rutina, sigue quedando un remanente de lo que significó para muchos formar parte de MordorGrinders.
Su PostAdemás, y tal vez a raíz de ese movimiento, están terminando de constuir un nuevo y pequeño skatepark sobre el que ayer nos contó @sketch17 en
About this and much more you can check out in sketch17.com
Sobre esto y mucho más puedes echar un vistazo en sketch17.com
Oh yes it was a great time, full of good feelings. And even if a lot turned a bit stupid. The good ones remain. And this is what remains in my memory and heart 💜❤️
It was a project that created a very large movement on such a small site. Seeing it from my perspective was incredible!!! In the end, we learned a lot, each in our own way :)