The surf-skate connection: when you truly love something, you never stop.

in SkateHive10 months ago
Authored by @Joao Parmagnani

Yooo. Good morning Skate Hive community. First of all, I would like to thank everyone who welcomed me so well into this ecosystem. I'm going to make my first post on Skate Hive with great pleasure to share a little of my skateboarding journey.

Hope you all enjoy it.

To start I'm going to show who I am, but to make it less strange, an ARDRP punk filter on my face to make me better composed. The two photographs were taken by our talented friend, the Majestic King of China, Lucas.


I started skateboarding of my own free will when I was 10 years old. When I started breaking all the tiles in my house trying to learn ollie. I skated a lot alone, it was already satisfying, I spent hours and hours alone on the canal street, trying to learn the tricks and it was all so fun and exciting. The first 50-50, the first flip, these are things we never forget. And you know what I won’t forget for the life of me? That I always preferred the heelflip than the flip itself. lol

First Gap in my life. At that time I didn't even know what life itself was, but I was already into skateboarding. Many punishments and lies to be able to skate in places that my family thought were dangerous.

And the difference in experience and learning from Rua's school is really striking when you go to skateboard centers, parks, friends and return home. In fact, all the skateboarding experiences shaped me as a person.


Who has never left school with their own uniform, put on a cap and a hoodie in 40 degree heat and started skateboarding with an empty stomach and fucked up? Skateboard was sometimes hidden in my garden so I didn't have to go into the house and leave again.

Learning to grind on street edges is always a learning experience. I started in a square that had a pipe and a stage, the feeling of a barnacle crooked for the first time on a ledge but sliding down, was incredible.

Praca do Papa, Yellow EFA High Top Sneakers that my Past Skater friend Fabio Pereira can get me.


I never gave a shit about skateboarding championships. But I found this lost photo and thought it was a great moment to share it with you. As a child on the "King of Stages" stage, jumping the quarter ollie. I really liked doing ollies, and that hasn't stopped to this day. The difference is that today I perform more ollies in the sea.

bs ollie

The break and the Return

At 14 years old I discovered surfing. It changed my life completely. And due to difficult logistics and yet another problem of family acceptance of the sport on the table, this time at sea, I dedicated 100% of my commitment to this, studying, going far away and actually becoming a surfer. So slowly skateboarding started to disappear from my life. But what is true never dies.


I worked for a few years at Factory Industrial and found myself extremely stressed without being able to surf, just working, fat (believe it or not) and without the cosmic energy in my body as a result of these activities. So that was when they said they were going to build the Atlantica park track on the beach in front of my house. For some it was the announcement of the construction of a new skate park as compensation for the environmental tragedy at sea, a heavy oil spill. For me it was that and also the realization of an old dream.

So I put together a new cart and went back to where I never should have left, on my skateboard. However, with a surfer vision and body awareness, my line was different, my flow was different too and I had to adapt to ramps and aerials. That was when Deivid Santos, aka Negao, saw me walking and said he was going to teach me how to walk upright, as I had good inclination, or was simply a novice without fear of falling.


Time has passed and now I upload a celebratory NFT from the Sendit community with a noseblunt in the same layout as the sendit arrow.
Video link for those who want to see it in more detail.

The session below was epic. We went surfing at Cepilho beach with a skateboard in the trunk of the car, something atypical for us at the time. It was when we got there that we found this track still under construction, and they allowed it to go on, incredible. copingblock zero, in front of the beach, I highly recommend this place in the paradisiacal region of Serra do Mar, Paraty.

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I also had the honor of going to Sao Paulo for a few years in a row for work and an old relationship, where I made great friends from the Skateboard universe and got to see incredible pools and movements that I had never experienced on skateboard, even because I stopped riding when I was 14 and I came back with 22, I'm currently 27.

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We are not OG. We are what we are.

This story is very good. I went to São Paulo from time to time to skate, and I couldn't for the life of me apply a more technical line of skateboarding in the deep pools, but on the other hand, the surf/skate maneuvers were interesting. That's when a crazy Japanese man started to freak out about my maneuvers, asking me to walk other days and get high together. What I didn't know is that this Japanese Brazilian AKA Harry OG jumonji was who he is. An independent artist from Ubatuba with incredible experience in New York with Sony, Madonna, Basquiat, Opio and much more. Little by little Harry got closer to me, and I can only thank him for welcoming me so well while I was a mere surfer among a bunch of professional skateboarders. I was able to go to some parties with Harry, and it was great to come back after years, see that he is still healthy, not drinking alcohol but lots of juice and exchanging an Airdrop Culture shirt with one of his in New York at his birthday event at the Bowlhouse, and today my father wears this shirt to the beach.


Me, Harry and Gordo weekday Sao Paulo 1 am, with the owner of the Bowlhouse practically kicking us out. This happened at least 5 times.

Smith fs or fs Snap?

Epic session with Luigi Raphaneli in Estoril in front of the casino royale. Portugal. Thank you my brother for everything.

I think one of the best things in life is being surprised by something you don't expect, and being able to develop in that context. The same was true for my return to skateboarding. Insecure, afraid, but I didn't count on my surfing evolution and when it would change my trajectory. So the preference for a bs heelflip changed to a simple nollie, from a bigspin to a grab, and in this way my style was shaped.


I still skate, but I believe it's once a year, and as incredible as it seems when I come back I'm still active, motivated and with some tricks on my feet. I made this first post on Skatehive because it is a community that builds something truly significant for the skateboard culture that is so subversive and suffers so much in the midst of sports with more capitalization, resources and government support.

My goal here is to make a post on skatehive from time to time sharing some of my stories and moments in Skateboarding. I had an external HD with lots of videos from when I was a kid riding street, dowlhill and more, I'll try to find them to share with you, but anyway I'll talk more about how Surfing and Skate are interconnected, both in biomechanics and in history and revolutionary movement that generated fashion, music and much more. Skate is life! I hope you enjoyed. Laugh so as not to cry.

zimardrp skateboard. thank you skate hive!
Leaving here a video of when I started skateboarding again, showing a little of what I became on four wheels. , a guy who just wants to have fun and feel the vibe of the old days of unity and respect that skateboarding brings


Skateboarding soul from the begging bro, thats dope!!!


 10 months ago  

Dude you are the goat !

 10 months ago  

nice read. thanks for sharing. thanks for contributing to the skate hive