Creando buenas memorias con los amigos en esta tarde soleada de skateboarding, terminando con un increíble atardecer.
Creating good memories with friends on this sunny skateboarding afternoon, ending with an incredible sunset.
Hidratándonos con cawamas y fumando weed en todo momento.
Hydrating with cawamas and smoking weed at all times.
Así es como se disfrutan y se patinan todos los días en el skatepark de las hilamas.
This is how they enjoy and skate every day in the skatepark of las hilamas.
#gallery #skateboarding #sunset #gopro #skatehive #keepskating
That skatepark is incredible! Where is it located?
Love the blaze up at all times 🔥
is just the motivation hahais the best park of the city, Is here
Wow how random! That's in the same town my friend lives. Nice spotthe park has a ton of stuff to do
Beautiful skatepark and an even more beautiful sky/sunset!
Can't wait for the Keep Skating merch buddy!
the sunsets are always amazing
I'm working on this bro, the most hard is how to send the mech to grecce hahaha here I need to pay a lot for it :S
memories are really important,i also love the fact that you are happy...
memories are the only thing you will remember so be proud and do what you love
trust me,skating is life
You enjoyed yourself....