Skating around the corner 🏠

in SkateHive2 years ago (edited)

Skating around the corner 🏠

In recent days, a friend and I set up the skate unexpectedly, because just around the corner from my home, there is a very cool and very difficult bench because the fall is a rocky floor, I met my friend and decided to go to take some pictures, we managed to get 2 tricks.

En días pasados, un amigo y yo armamos la patinada de imprevisto, pues a la vuelta de mi hogar, se encuentra una banca muy cool y muy dificil ya que la caida es a piso de roca, me encontre a mi amigo y decidimos ir a tomar unas fotitos, lograron salir 2 trucos.





I hope you liked it, thank you for reading. ✌️

Espero que os haya gustado, gracias por leer. ✌️

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 2 years ago  

This spot looks both rad and hard! Big gap to do before you can slide that thing, boardslide is insane, respect bro!

is to make a big jump brother! thanks man

 2 years ago  

i say it every time but i love your photos thanks for posting

Thanks for your comments brother, I appreciate it very much, always trying to improve <3

you finally skated that banch!! 💯⚡️
Yo you are doing great behind that lens you should check some advices for dark atmospheres shooting