"Favourite Five" #7 featuring Dougie George, James Huntley, Jamie Griffin, "No Hotels" Tour, Leo Valls & Florian Maillet

in SkateHive2 years ago

I'm such a nerd when it comes to skateboarding, a REAL NERD! I dedicate lots of hours weekly digging new skaters, watching skate videos and reading about skateboarding!

I know lots of homies don't have that much free time to do this but all of us skateboarders love watching dope videos so I'm starting "Favourite Five", a weekly blog highlighting my personal favourite five skate parts/videos that came out the past week!

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This was probably the best week in a good while in terms of new high-quality skate videos and it was so tough to choose which ones I'm gonna feature in this post but here goes...

Leo Valls & Florian Maillet MAGENTA "Just Cruise 2"

Every new Magenta skateboards "Just Cruise 2" part that came out was dope and this one is no exeption!

Both Leo Valls & Florian Maillet approached the French streets with their own unique bag of tricks and the result was beautiful! Sketchy wallrides, tons of fun powerslides and style for days! You'll definitely enjoy watching this one

New Zealand’s James Huntley's Sequel Part ‘Ready Salted’

Never heard about this dude before I watch his new video part and turns out he's a skateboarding New Zealand legend and I can tell why! He's gnarly AF!

Tons of different spots, lots of lines and a style reminding me two of my favourite skaters, PJ Ladd and Tosh Townend. That ender was freaking mental, one of the best enders I've seen in a while! Respect James, digging more of your parts soon!

Butter Goods "Dougie George" Video

Dougie George straight up killed it in his new Butter Goods video part, holy shit!

Every single trick was BOLTS, spot selection and trick selection in each spot was excellent and filming/editing were just perfect!

This is definitely my favourite part of the week! It's not the tricks, it's how and where you do them and Doogie George is proof of that!

Jamie Griffin "SLÁINTE" Video Part

Jamie, the master of late flips and winner of BATB 12 winner is just 21 and has already established himself as one of the most unique and creative skaters of this new generation!

His new Hop King part showcases his talent to the fullest. Filmed around Europe and US, Jamie did NBDs down famous and unknown spots and Milan Stolper was there to capture the action!

Who the hell does Lazer Heel Late Flip?!? Holy shit Jamie!

No Hotels – Alegria

Niels Bennett, Wes Kremer, Rob Wootton, Chris Blake, John Stowe, Alejandro Musa and Madars Apse travelled around South America for 3 weeks and returned home with killer clips!

This legendary squad skated the rough streets and ditches of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay, slayed every spot on their path and had a great time camping in the nature! I'm sure every skater who watches this wants to go on a tour like this one, really inspiring video!

P.S. Wes footage is always a blessing, thank you skate gods

That's it for this week everyone! Hope you enjoyed watching those parts/videos! Let me know which one was your favourite as well as link any dope skate videos you digged this week at the comments section bellow, always on the look out for new video parts/videos!

Much love and...



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This is a good list that you have curated really had fun watching.

 2 years ago  

Thanks G!