Going Too Far In Coaching

in SkateHive5 years ago

Every parent wants their next generation to shine in different ways.

A father was coaching his son at a skatepark but he was so frustrated that he kicked his son down the ramp.

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It was indeed a dangerous and abusive behaviour when the child’s father was probably too frustrated when his son was not able to perform to his expectation in skateboarding.

Skateboarding was supposed to be fun and a good way to nurture good bonding.

After realising his mistake in losing his cool, he was remorseful about his action.

 5 years ago  

That is so terrible! Parents who force their kids do things are the worst.
I feel so lucky to grow up in a supportive envinroment. My parents never restricted my freedom and never forced me to do anything (except homework :P).

I hope he never did something similar again

I guess this father is extremely passionate about skateboarding and he wants his son to be a good skater. Instead of building the love of skateboarding, it may even cause his son to hate skateboarding with such terrible experience actually. Great that your parents were able to give you the freedom of choice when you were young.