Hello friends how are you?
how are you? Welcome to this video, it is a flatground session that was very fun because I did a lot of tricks.
Hola, amigos como estan?
como estas? bienvenidos a este video, es una sesion de flatground que fue muy divertida porque hice una gran cantidad de trucos.
The apartment is incredible, and well I was able to record the tricks and I really enjoyed it, I think we will go to this place at least once a week and we will be able to record.
El piso es increible, y bueno me pude grabar los trucos y me lo disfrute mucho, creo que iremos al menos una vez a la semana a este lugar y podremos grabar.
I hope you enjoy this session and tell me which tricks you liked the most.
Espero que disfruten, de esta sesion y me digan con que trucos les gusto mas.
▶️ 3Speak
looking good big guy