360 kickflip on the ramp "JUAN GRIEGO SKATEPARK"🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]

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Hello friends how are you?
Today I am going to share with you the attempts on the ramp, trying to do a 360 kickflip but at the bottom of the ramp. I'm still afraid of hitting the top because I think I'll fly away.

Hola, amigos como estan?
Hoy les voy a compartir los intentos en la rampa, intentando hacer 360 kickflip pero en lo mas bajo de la rampa. Aun me da miedo darle en la parte de arriba porque creo que saldre volando.

But I'm trying to lose my fear little by little, at least I was able to get the hang of it and record it to share it with you.

Pero estoy intentando perder el miedo poco a poco, al menos pude caer el truco y grabarlo para compartirlo con ustedes.

I hope to soon get excited for a 360 Rock and Roll kickflip, that would be crazy.

Espero pronto animarme para un 360 kickflip Rock and Roll, eso seria una locura.

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 last year  

Awesome! that was sick. ive wanted to see someone skate that. different than ledge skating. with a new board you could pop ollies to fakie above the coping

I'm still very scared to try to ollie over the ledge, but I'm taking it step by step. I will continue training him soon.

buena esa. algun dia me saldran los 360 flip. me motivo.

ponte en marcha a practicarlo y estoy seguro que lo vas a sacar.

nice tre flip

Thanks My GGGG

Subiendo level cada vez más herma, saludos mi bro. ⚡⚡