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RE: Steemskate Rebranding | Help us choose a new name and logo

in SkateHive5 years ago

Seems just coming up with a good blockchain, crypto, decentralized type name for the online skate community would be best, in the future there could be many apps built on or merged off etc, steem still exists, there are many other decentralized social networks... my point is if we take the momentum we already have and put it behind a name/hashtag we could spread across all blockchains we will be versatile & adaptable to an ever changing future. Forward & backwards compatible ;)


I know those names ^ are terrible, but you get the idea..

 5 years ago  

That's a pretty good idea and I totally get the idea! You can join the Steemskate Discord and we can explore this idea together!
Thank you so much for the feedback!