Introducing Stoken!

in SkateHive3 years ago (edited)

What is Stoken?

Stoken is the upcoming stoke token, created through the tokenization of stoke!


This is done through our extremely unique model, called Proof of Stoke(PoB), and Proof of Stoked(PoS). Each time someone shares content on the Stoken platform, people can vote how stoked that content got them. This in turn rewards the creator with Stoken, and shares some rewards to those who shared the stoke with others. The more Stoked they are, meaning they have staked Stoken, the more Stoken your vote is worth.

People can also choose if they want to share a portion of the Stoken earned, with the Stoken DTF (Decentralized Token Fund). This will not only help grow the Stoken platform, but can also be used to fund community projects, events, contests, and delegate Stoken power to community selected Stoken ambassadors.

Our Proposal

Proposal page:

Now for everyone who is wondering, what on earth is Stoke?

We'll let this segment of "A Brief History Of Stoke" by Shelby Carpenter explain:

When I was younger, I thought I wanted to be a lexicographer. I loved words and dictionaries, and thought it would be the best job in the world to put dictionaries together. (As you have probably surmised, lexicographer means "someone who compiles dictionaries.")

These days, I am still just as stoked about words as when I was teenager. But through climbing, I've found that my lexicon has gradually expanded to include random surfer dude words like baller and rad. The most important word I've learned, however, is "stoked."

Interestingly enough, the adjective stoked comes from the verb to stoke, as in, "to stoke a >fire." This is what the New Oxford American Dictionary has to say about the verb stoke:

  stoke |st?k|

  verb [ trans. ]

  add coal or other solid fuel to (a fire, furnace, or boiler).

  - encourage or incite (a strong emotion or tendency) : his composure had the effect of stoking her anger.

  - [often as adj. ] ( stoked) informal excite or thrill : when they told me I was on the team, I was stoked.

  - [ intrans. ] informal consume a large quantity of food or drink to give one energy : Carol was at the coffee machine, stoking up for the day.

  ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: back-formation from stoker.


Even as we write this column, I am feeling stoked about learning the history of the word stoked. I like to call this meta-stoked.
source: A brief history of stoke
by: Shelby Carpenter @

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What problem is STOKEN addressing?

Let's just say that trickle down economics don't work. Especially in sports!

Like it or not, money is a huge barrier for entry into most sports, especially niche extreme sports that have yet to gain in popularity. At least with most team based sports, there are often local school programs, government grants and or other forms of support to help people participate in the sports. Extreme sports usually do not get this same support, and is up to the individual to fund their interests. Mean while the risks that extreme sports athletes take, as compared to most traditional sports, are much much higher!

Even once athletes reach pro level, extreme sports athletes are often paid much less than athletes in traditional sports, while taking much more risk. Then once athletes reach the top levels, they continually worry about being replaced, in a everyone for themselves industry. In the world of stunts, athletes have to continually put themselves at higher and higher risks, because if they say no, they know someone else will take their place.

Of course most athletes never become pro, or even close to it. They simply enjoy the sport, and want to do it as much as possible, but even then it is often something that eats up a large portion of one’s finances. Often they will form local communities, put on events, to support each other, and teach newcomers to the sport. However without the support of a big sponsor, this is often payed out of pocket by the local community, on top of each athlete having to pay for their own gear, entry to events, missed work, and deal with possible injuries. This can often put a strain on the work life balance, and many people fall out of a sport due to injuries, and or financial issues.

Money is being made, just not by athletes

These days people post everything to social media, and if you’re trying to build a local community, this is vital to their growth! Of course camera gear is not cheap, and it takes a lot of time and effort to create content. Even though watching extreme sports online is continual growing, most people will never reach the views needed to make money off their content, much less making a living. Social media companies on the other hand, are always making money off the content, either through attracting an audience, advertising, or even selling users data.

Many people who get into content creation, do so with the hopes of one day making it, and becoming famous. So they tag big brands in their content, in hopes of one day attracting a sponsor, and getting to do what they love for a living. However companies count on this to create free marketing for them, while only actually sponsoring a small number of athletes, and even then those athletes get paid a small fraction of what is made off of them through advertising.

Money affects safety too

When athletes don’t have money, neither does the companies that make their gear. This often results in either really expensive equipment, extremely narrow margins for the companies, and or good companies going under because they can’t compete with cheaply made versions from Amazon. In many cases you see companies that begin outsourcing labour to both scale up, and increate profitability.

However in some cases this results in a lowering of the standards, as well as quality of the product, and when you’re dealing with equipment in extreme sports, the high level of risk can result in serious injury or even death. While we do believe that most companies try to balance this line very carefully, we believe you shouldn’t ever have to compromise safety, for affordability.

Board break, to break dance!

So why Stoken?

We named Stoken after stoke, because to us it was the energy that keeps communities together, and helps them grow. Like stoken a fire! We push each other when times get tough, because that keeps the fire in us stoked for our shared sport. Someone gets injured, and the community comes together to get them stoked to heal up, and get back out there! Whatever sport it might be, you do it because it gets you stoked, and doing it with others gets you even more stoked!

Except now through the wonders of web3, using a process we're calling Proof Of Stoke, we can now tokenize this stoke, into Stoken! So when you post your content to our upcoming Stoken platform, people will be able to vote on your post, which then confirms how much stoke your post generated. After a week, the post then pays out your stoke in the form of Stoken. This Stoken can then be staked, to increase your Stoken Power! The more Stoken you have staked, the more stoken you can do by voting on others posts, earning you back Stoken through curation rewards as well.

Communities will also be able to work together to help fund the DTF, to do things like fund events, projects, charity, and to just make the community itself more self-sufficient. Our plan is to have community votes on which things we will fund, what course of action to take, what / who to sponsor, and who to make ambassadors.

New ledge built through community fundraiser

What makes Stoken special?

First and foremost, Stoken is about community, and we believe that community is truly priceless

All that we are doing is tapping into this value using something that communities naturally produce, which is stoke, and then realizing that value through tokenization. This value can then be put back into the communities to not only help grow the communities, but help everyone who is a part of those communities. Of course this also means it can be sold on the market, to help deal with the need for monetary value.

The point being that everyone has value. From the pros, down to amateurs, even the audience, they all need each other, and has value. It’s just a matter of how to realize that value, and what we do with it.

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We also plan to utilize NFTs to further decentralize sponsorship of both athletes, and their communities, using revenue from both sales, and royalties. Eventually we hope to further gamify the NFTs, to further attract more funding to the communities. More details will follow as we grow, and develop our plans.

How did it all start?

Stoken is the creation of the Skatehive community, which was founded in 2018 by a hand full of innovative skaters, who found each other while exploring crypto, and Web 3.0.

In those short 3 years SkateHive has developed partnerships with the LBRY Foundation, organized a HUGE online "Game of S.K.A.T.E" competition, helped skaters buy new gear, organized fundraisers, donated GoFundMe's for medical bills, sponsored longboarding races, and built a solid community of lovers of all forms of skate, from all over the world! But most importantly, through skateboarding we've shown many people how to take ownership of their online presence, by choosing to participate in decentralized social media.

Big Names Onboarded

3S Skaters: 3M YT subscribers.

SktBR: 1M YT subscribers.

BoelterMC: 43k Instagram subscribers.

Slappyer: Madrid OG

Zona Skate MX: Huge organizer in Mexico

FMA Junior Photo: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Photographer

And many more!

Team Behind SkateHive / Stoken

Haris Housos (@knowhow92)Daryl Boehlig (@howweroll)Vlad (@xvlad)
is a life-long skateboarder from Greece and one of the founding members of Skatehive Community. Addicted to crypto since late 2017, Haris quit his daily job and focused 100% of his time and energy into building Skatehive community. Haris is currently a full-time content creator and heavily invested into blockchain a longtime longboarder, and community organizer from Canada. Joined SteemSkate, now SkateHive, back in 2018 after learning about it while doing research, as a then begginer crypto investor. Since then he has continually invested both money and effort into growing the SkateHive a professional Skateboarder from Brazil sponsored by local brand Soma, OCB , Redley and Bolovo. He is also a skateboard community leader in ColetivoXV, a movement from Rio de Janeiro with the goal of legalizing skateboarding in the city. Vlad is currently a part of Odysee Growth team, the biggest video-sharing platform that work on top of a Blockchain and also a LBRY Foundation board member.

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WEN Stoken?

Stoken has already been created, but will only become available when the Stoken Tribe platform is built. Currently we are acquiring BEE through our personal accounts so we can launch the Stoken Tribe as soon as we are ready, which will be later refunded through the proposal.

Why refund the BEE?

This idea was inspired by TheCallMeDan's work with SPKnetwork, as we didn't want to start off as owners that then feel we have to maintain control of our investment. Rather we want this to be a community funded project, guided by our diverse community, working together to make the platform we all want.

Vote for the Stoken proposal :


Join the Stoken Discord 👇


I don't even skate but I love what you guys are doing. I've been watching from afar for a while, but I just wanted to say how great it is that you're not just building a token/tribe for the sake of building a token/tribe, but for the purpose of building and expanding upon the idea of community and sport.

It's clear there's a lot of passion behind this, and that's the most important thing for these types of ideas. I have no doubt this'll rise into something great.

Thank you so much! Yeah we have spent close to a half year brainstorming our plans, studying the market, and theorizing how this will play out. We believe this will not only better many people's lives in the athlete world, but also bring a lot of value back to Hive.

Great initiative! 👏

 3 years ago  

Thanks for you support !

 3 years ago  

I'm very happy to read this.
This project is beautiful. Stoken in the vein!
For a better world, full of skateboarding, peace and social equality!
AH, and of course thanks for the mention!
I love sharing my content on SkateHive, it's just perfect!

Thanks man, and we're stoked to have you as part of this community! Looking forward to building a future full of awesome people, and community!

Literally #stoked about the future of the project. I can see a very powerful community forming around this idea. Looking forward to the launch.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks so much @lordneroo! Glad you can feel the #Stoke!

 3 years ago  

Thank you all in advance for your support and for taking the time reading our introduction post.

We're building Skatehive community for more than 3 years and it's time we take things to the next level!

TIME TO #GetStoked

I #GetStoked more and more everyday!

it's time to share the #stoke!

Let's get f*cking #stoked

Good project @stoken welcome to hive blockchain.

While Stoken is new to Hive, the @skatehive team behind it has been here for years! We just figured new account / project, new intro!
Either way, thanks for the welcome!

I really like the idea that @stoken will be used to build real world events. We need more physical activity and engagement. I look forward to watching what you do.

Thanks for the support @methodofmad and get ready to #GetStoked

muy buen proyecto mucha suerte te deseo que se cumpla todos tus planes

now this is something to learn about..!! thanks for sharing the information fam, so #stoked to see this project development 🔥

Stoked to have you on board for this journey!

Good Luck Guys

Thanks a lot @aimee.tariq 😁

I don't practice any extreme sports but I find them very interesting to watch. This is an interesting project and I'm curious about its future so I'll keep an eye on it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot for the warm comment @tokenizedsociety!

You're welcome :)

Looking forward to seeing your next steps

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  

Thanks for you support dude !

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