Pull Out Your 3 (EP16) by Chris Lawrence Velasco | TWS Calawis Skateboarding

in SkateHive13 days ago

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Welcome back to another episode of 'Pull Out Your 3'. Today I just wanted to share with you how Chris Lawrence Velasco pulled out a Frontside Ollie 50-50 Grind, Kickflip, and Backside 180 in a single row. This young kid is very talented he just pulled out those incredible three tricks in a single row very easily. But just like us of course he failed to pull out those tricks first try I think he tried three times until he perfectly landed those three tricks but it was still so amazing.

On his first try, Chris Lawrence perfectly landed the Frontside Ollie 50-50 Grind but he failed to pull out his Kickflip.


The second run is almost the same on the first try because he perfectly landed his Frontside Ollie 50-50 again but he failed to pull out his Kickflip again.


This third run is completely different from the first and second run yep he perfectly landed his Frontside Ollie 50-50 Grind again. Everything is good the pop, the lock, the grind, and the rolled out.


After he perfectly landed his FS Ollie 50-50 Grind he continued riding with his board. He pushed his board a little bit to get more speed when he got the right position for his Kickflip he started to pop the tail and flick the board. The board flipped perfectly and this time he perfectly pulled out his Kickflip.


After he perfectly landed his Kickflip I thought he was done but he pushed his board again and I didn't have any idea what the next trick he wanted to pull out. Without any hesitation, Chris Lawrence pulled out his Backside 180 and that is a good and clean Backside 180.


I also made a GIF format to see how Chris Lawrence Velasco landed those 'Three Tricks In A Row'.


P.S.: I've been playing skateboarding since 2005 and started filming and editing in 2011. On the TWS skate video, you'll find a random of tricks and behind skateboarding, we are not pro skaters we just skate for fun and I really love this.


Stay Safe, Skate Safe.

Thanks For Visiting My Article I appreciate Your Precious Time!

Best Regards, @toffer


Bzzt! Chris Lawrence Velasco is totally shreddin' the gnar! That Frontside Ollie 50-50 Grind, Kickflip, and Backside 180 combo is straight fire! He didn't get it on the first try, but he wouldn't give up, just like a bird dogging it on the halfpipe - totally tubular, dude! #skatehive

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!