Hey, guys! What are you doing today? On today's "TWS Topic" I just wanted to share with you a progression of Joshua's Frontside 50-50 Grind on the rail. In our previous skate session, Joshua got his FS 50-50 Grind on the rail that is the first time he made that trick on the rail but before he got that trick he bailed so much on the ground. I like a progression trick seeing your friends get their tricks after so many tries day by day, week by week, or month by month. It doesn't matter how long the process as long as we really enjoyed to skate we're good.
Not A Perfect Frontside 50-50 Grind On The Rail
Like I said before he got his FS 50-50 Grind he failed a lot just like on his first try he failed to get his FS 50-50 Grind. When he starts to pop his Ollie towards the rail he lands his board at the top of the rail with a wrong balanced of his foot. The board slipped that's why he fell on his board.
On his second try when he landed at the top of the rail the board continued to grind but before he reached the end of the rail the board started to grind like a Nosegrind. It's not totally a Nosegrind he just accidentally put so much pressure on his front foot that's why the nose starts to grind. The board slipped on the rail and he fell to the ground.
A Perfect Frontside 50-50 Grind On The Rail
Finally, after a couple of tries and fails, he got his Frontside 50-50 Grind on the rail. Although the rolled-out is not as smooth he still got his FS 50-50 Grind. I just wanted to give huge respect to Joshua because after he bailed so hard on his FS 50-50 Grind on the ledge he still managed to get his FS 50-50 Grind on the rail. Honestly, every time he tries to do tricks I'm a little bit for him because he takes so hard before he got the tricks whatever tricks trying to do. I hope he learned how to avoid to hit on the ground so hard.
P.S: I've been playing skateboarding since 2005 and started filming and editing in 2011. On the TWS skate video, you'll find a random of tricks and behind skateboarding, we are not pro skaters we just skate for fun and I really love this.
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Maaaaan that flatbar looked like it's gonna break lol! Clean 50-50 tgtom Josua though!
Cheers TWS Crew!
Also hope you can send some footage to us and participate in our community edit @toffer ! The more people the most awesome edit's gonna be!
Read more here man
Yeah, man I will send some clips unedited clips right?
Yeah brooo