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RE: r4topunk = new devUndeground() - My introduction post to Skatehive

in SkateHivelast year

ok i downloaded google translate brave extension!

DUDE how do you get that text to slide across the post like that?
"yoooo me chamo r4to"
thats so cool! ive never seen someone do that before!

I love this post. we are blessed to have you join our community.
I agree with everything you are saying. i have been a part of this community for years now, and love the collaborative energy. Vlad is the man, and its super fun learning coding with him and working on the site. my skills are much behind him but i am the one who made Quest For Stoken.
I like the fork you made the super clean white version. i just love how you are as excited to be working on with us as we are. it couldnt happen at a better time! cheers RATO!


thanks for the amazing words and reception web-gnar sz