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RE: Skating 2 postcodes in 1 day

in SkateHive3 months ago (edited)

bro what was wrong with the first kickflip?
the nine club said no credit
stacking postcodes on this episode lad
the map is getting colorful
your episodes contain a lot of content about english heritage and music.
i wonder if you could use an AI to transcribe Youtube videos for the ages...

00:00:00 good morning viewers of the channel and I come to you with a confession in episode two when I skated goals is green nw11 I me did all my tricks in this park and uh upon further research I found that it is actually an NW3 so when I said I was skating nw11 I wasn't I was in fact skating MW3 but today we're going to put that right because I'm going to go up to nw11 gold as green and skate around there get uh the kickflip the H Cabos and a mystery trick as well as visit uh a famous crematorium there

00:00:43 where some famous people are have been laid to rest and then we'll go down to NW3 where I did do all the tricks also Tak in some of the famous places of NW3 so let's get this rectified and let's get two postcodes done one [Music] day I'm aning so here we are at our golders green crematorium where Mark Bolan of the band T-Rex has been laid to rest um so I'm going to go visit the grave site but just outside I'm going to do a rock and roll in homage to the rock and roll which he gave us I'm also going to try

00:01:37 to do a trick called a woolly mammoth which was invented by Neil blender back in the 80s '70s 80s and um went card too past and it's kind of like a nose pivot hand plant thing out it's usually done on transition but I'm going to try do a version of it cuz of uh Wily mammoth T-Rex so here we [Music] go no credit no credit no credit no credit [Music] there it is mar Bolan grave markfeld born to boie Mark Bolan obviously this Swan there right a white swan thanks for the music mark thank you very much this looks like a great place to do

00:02:59 a kick flow let's get it done [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] no credit no credit [Music] so just in front of me is golders Hill Park where I uh did what I thought was nw11 gold is green but actually NW3 across the road here is uh a little crusty ledge thing which I can do a half cap nose on and Falls just within the Border of NW 11 so let's get the half cab nose [Music] [Music] so here we are outside the logs which is Boy George's residence so we've gone from Mark Bolan glamrock to someone

00:05:13 influenced by glamrock and uh this is not much of a trick but more a tribute to my boy a tribute to my board in the guise of Boy George and his famous song do you really want to hurt me do you really want to make me cry God man my legs are sore very tired trying to get to the SLO stop but you never know what you're going to come across look at this Jim Hansen Jim Hansen Crow of the Muppets lived here amazing well got to keep going for that was the worst thing I ever heard it was terrible it was horrendous well it

00:05:59 wasn't that bad oh yeah oh there parts of it I liked yeah I liked a lot of it yeah it was good it was great it's wonderful Bravo more more back to another icon of the'80s uh behind me you can see yellow of Snappy snaps this is where George Michael crushed his Land Rover into the snappy snaps and uh some very quick witted fellow wrote some very quick witted fellow roote Wham on the uh the side of the snappy snaps where his Land Rover gone in so I'm thinking wh thinking of of a trick that has a Wham something you no

00:06:41 comply so I'm going to do that outside the snapy snaps and that's us done [Music] no credit no credit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] woo that was a little bit of a battle it was up like a massive to hole you just have to run and throw down but uh but uh got there in the end but I got there in the end and that's more than I can say for this chap behind me so Henry Bain Statesman lived here born 1612 beheaded 1662 and on that note that's NW3 and nw11 done [Music] [Music]


its funny cause I normally put that in cause in my mind something was wrong with it but then when I watch it I am like there is nothing wrong , so it's my subtle nod to the perfectionism of skateboarders and how it can get irrational sometimes.

So in terms of mental health know when to let go of something or accept your in a perfectionisit quagmire and after a few days you will see there was nothing wrong with the kickflip .

Probably way more of an intellectual repsponse than you hoped for