Playing War after nerf: still surprisingly decent

in Gods On Chain3 years ago (edited)


Hey guys, I took a small break from the game for a couple weeks, feels good to be back. Quite alot of things have changed since I went less active, from the change in $GODS event to the nerfing of War :')

I really liked playing with War, so I took my ol' war deck for a spin in Weekend Ranked. It did surprisingly well? I got 18/25 with it, and this was despite War being nerfed. I went from Diamond all the way up to Mythic ~1500 :D

[The screenshot below shows 18/24, because my latest match hasn't updated yet when I took the screenshot, and it was a loss anyways D:]

I do think I got pretty lucky, I went first for majority of my matches, which I think was a key factor to win most of them. Its way easier to apply pressure to the opponent when you're going first. (Not to mention the fact that I dont know the optimal time to use my +1 mana bags when I go second xD)
I got amazing mulligans too, allowing me to maintain the pressure from turn 1. The change in rewards for weekend ranked probably helped out too. Those in Mythic are probably staying in Mythic this time, allowing for easier matchups than I was used to. Surprsingly, I still see alot of players using War decks. Of the 25 matches I played this weekend, 11 or so were still War decks.

Deck Used

Below is the War deck that I was using, I got it off from GUdecks a while ago, when I was searching for affordable but fun/strong decks. Because there was no guide, I struggled with it for a while and didn't know the mindset behind such a deck, like when to go face or clear the enemy monsters, but after this Weekend Ranked, I think I have a bit of idea now.

I think its the same for most decks, but I try to mulligan for 1/2 mana cards and usually use my +1 mana bag on turn 1, especially if I go first. I place down 2 1-mana monsters if possible, if not I place down an enduring shield and then turn 2 place down my monster(s). In between I use my enduring shield and my blitz monsters to control the board and any other monsters to go face. Thats about all i have planned out, the rest of the game I just play it by ear, depending on what cards I manage to draw.

Archangel Bruiser and Sole Survivor may have been nerfed, but they still do their job decent, which is nice. I'm thinking of adding in a Hector, Prince of Troy into the deck, inspired by an opponent of mine, who used it to win my 25th match in Weekend Ranked.

Both of us were low in the end of the match, at 5 and 8 hp. I had a Blade of Styx equiped, and was going to win next turn. He played Hector onto an empty board. It had both Leech and Frontline, and I didn't have anything to make it past that D:

It's an important decision, considering that I'll have to buy Hector. I'll see how this deck holds up in Mythic for now, especially during next weekend ranked.


$GODS and stuffs
Because I took a break, I didn't maximise my rewards for the $GODS events which have already ended, which is a shame but it is what it is I guess. I heard that Weekend Ranked award $GODS rewards now that the $GODS event ended, which sounds like even higher stakes for Weekend Ranked :o

Overall, I'm pretty content with what I have earned thus far, especially from a game that requires no money spent on it. Not to mention the fact that it's a genuinely fun game with an amazing community, I can't wait for it to be available on mobile soon (not sure if its a WIP but I really hope so 😄). I think it can reach way more players that way, allowing for Gods Unchained to (hopefully) become mainstream.

Thanks for reading, heres to more Legendary pulls from packs and $GODS to the MOON 🍻

Screenshots taken from GUdecks,
Dividers from freeztag (its a pinned post on the Gods On Chain page on Peakd, thanks to Freeztag for these amazing dividers, not sure if he wants to be tagged so I didn't tag him)
Cover image created by me, AbyssalSoul on Canva
[ps. I forgot to add the cover image in so i edited the post after :P]