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RE: Esp/Eng Batalla con el mazo de Muerte/Battle with the Death Deck

in Gods On Chain3 months ago (edited)

Hi! Just a little comment about Monolith Watcher. You are of course free to play with cards that are fun to you. But this card was designed for Sealed, not for Ranked. Here is the game designer saying this:


You may be getting situations where this card is helping you, but over many matches there are other cards that will help you win more games that you can replace in that slot.

I just had another look at your deck and you're missing 2x Dread Rising, which is an absolutely mandatory card in Dread decks. It's just the best AoE removal card in the game. Taking out MW and another card to put in 2x Dread Rising will make your deck 10x better.

You're missing important and expensive cards that generate Dreads, but if you can't play those, perhaps you could put other cheap dragons so you can play them in the same turn with Priestess.


I hadn't studied the Dread Rising card well. If it's a great ability, I'll buy it. Thanks for the advice. I'll try some changes.