Hi guys! Pleasure to meet you, my nickname is andrecito128, I discovered this website through one of my best friends GATO.
I love card games and I'd been playing them over my entire life, around 3-4 months ago I started to play God's Unchained and fell in love with it. I wanted to dedicate my first post to start a discussion about armor.
From what I could research, armor dosen't have many lovers, when I was thinking about it, an idea cross my mind. Wouldn't it be more logical that armor only prevent combat damage? I mean, in any fantasy universe or game, a sorcerer could easy beat several amount of warrior, so wouln't it be more logical that burn o spells that deal damage ignore armor?
What do you think?
I'll read you 😁
Your idea makes a lot of sense to me. Creatures like Giant Pangolin with armor +2 are almost indestructible for most decks right now.
Armor would lose a lot of it's value then. Maybe they should only allow deadly damage to go through always to give deadly more effectiveness in the game especially cause we don't see it much.