Value Cards that Allow New Players to Rise to Mythic

Hi all - this is my first post in C/Gods On Chain. I just started playing the game last week and was able to quickly rise to Mythic with free cards. I wanted to share my favorite value cards that I use in most decks.

These cards are pretty much auto-include for my decks because of the value they get.

1) Wild Hog
This card seems incredibly overpowered. I have two in every deck I use. There are so many 2/2 one drops that this guy always seems to get great value. If you can get two in your opening hand and drop them on turn 1 with bag of tricks, it's very difficult for the other player to recover.

2) Skeleton Heavy
2/4 on turn 2, or bag of tricks on turn 1 is also incredibly strong when most two drops are 2/3. This guy is very tough to get rid of early game and always seems to take two cards down with him.

3) Dune Cavalry and Hunt Warden
More value! Another set of 3-cost cards that tend to be beefier than their counterparts.

4) Wetlands Ogre
Topping out the early value cards is the Wetlands Ogre. Just like his early counterparts, he tends to outpunch other cards at this cost.

These are my favorites! They're boring, but they have stats to produce consistent results. Let me know what you think about these picks, or if there are other value cards that stand out to you for new players!