Today's Gods Unchained Game - Control Light

in Gods On Chain5 months ago



Welcome to my "Today's Gods Unchained Game", where I share my past interesting games that are captured. For this week, we have this Control Light deck, costing around 40$.

A while ago, this deck was able to take me to Mythic. However, with the new Tower of Dread release, it would be harder for this deck to reach Mythic now. The steady rise of Aggro decks also make this deck harder to play.

However, with the right cards in hand, this deck could outheal your opponent.

Key Cards

This control deck is a variant of the Heal Light deck with Blade of the Creator. The win con is the same as it: Heal and Prophet of Progress.

It has a really huge combo inside, and with the right timing, you can heal up to 20 while clearing their board in 1 turn! (Also giving opponent tons of favors)

Crystal Vespid is a card that summons itself once per turn when your god is healed. It's not strong itself, but the combo makes this card insane.


Title Collector heals your god for 1 when you summon a creature. Usually, around mana 4, you would play this card and Crystal vespid. Since you summoned it, Tithe heals your god for 1. That means that Crystal Vespid will be summoned again, and so on until the board is full.

You could also add Scarab Swarm in your deck. This way, you can play Tithe Collector -> Scarab Swarm -> Crystal Vespid and gain INFINTE Crystal Vespids. That means that if your opponent has armored creatures or like 'Aegis of the Innocent', you can heal to 99.

However, Blade of the Creator needs no Neutral cards in your deck to appear in your mulligan. You can get lucky in your mulligan, but most times you won't be. So, while the infinite loop is OP, the randomness makes the combo not reliable.


This game was against control Magic, and since it was control deck, I had a higher chance of winning than aggro decks.

Mulligan, 1 Mana

Black Sheep is especially helpful in finding the combo cards, so I keep it. I play nothing.

2 Mana

I use Blade of the Creator and Heal.

3 Mana

I Heal again. Grace of Sartonia will help me to draw some cards.

4 Mana

Their board is growing, which is kind of uneasy for me. I Heal again. The alternative would've been Guiding Light, which is exactly 4 mana.

5 Mana

Drawing Crystal Vespid means that Black Sheep guarantees the combo. I Heal again.

5.5 Mana

I use the combo. Than I draw 2 cards with Grace of Sartonia (it is now free because of the healing). I trade some Vespids, and Heal to summon more Vespids. It is 0 mana, but I have The Circle, which is a 0 mana card that heals all characters, meaning that I get to summon more Vespids. I clear their whole board, and uses another Grace of Sartonia. They clear my board right away.

6 Mana

Nothing to do, I used Prayer of the Desperate, Guiding Lights and Tidal Prayer for cards.

6.5 Mana

I use Faith Eternal to give +2 strength and leech to my relic. I had 9 cards, so I had to play The Circle to not mill a card next turn.

7 Mana

I played a Prophet of Progress. With 50 health, it is 17/17. I wasn't sure what to do here, but I figured out that since it was Magic, it would be hard to deal 17 damage with 7 mana. I was right, and they conceded. GG!


Thanks for reading my short game post! This deck could be boring to play sometimes, especially that you only have limited options to play at 1~5 mana, and they could just finish you or leave you at low HP there, which means that the game is already losing for you. But, it has a high, consistent (maybe?) Winrate because of Vespid combo. It is also quite cheap to play, so if you like long control games, I would be recommending it.