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RE: Staying competitive

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

When I started playing this game(when the event started), it was my first experience with cards game, so I struggled to even get to the purified iron, required to get any points. All changed when I watched some youtube videos on how to build your deck and play in general. I've built a nature deck(totally F2P) and got to the auric gold rank in less than three days. But when the balance update came live, I started losing and understood that I need something more than 1 nature deck I have. Thanks to the forge, I could buy some new cards and that's what I did to build a new nature decks with big beasts archetype. Also, I've built quite a good magic deck with 75% winrate and now I'm trying to make a deception one. My current rank is ethereal diamond and I was one game away from mythic, but decided not to rank up there because I thought that I wouldn't stand a chance and now as I'm playing a new deck for me, I'm a bit lower(but still ethereal diamond). That's my story


I'm working on a nature deck atm, playing around with some of the bigger beasts in different combos. Wildfire or a staff at the right time can really change a match!