in Gods On Chain3 years ago



One of the things that I'm really excited about is that Hive has brought me back to my inner child because for the last few weeks I've been playing this amazing blockchain game that has left me very impressed with its high quality both in aesthetics and of its concept and development: Gods Unchained is without a doubt a phenomenal card game.


Una de las cosas por las que realmente estoy emocionado es que Hive me ha llevado a reencontrarme con mi niño interior porque durante las últimas semanas he estado jugando este increíble juego de la blockchain que me ha dejado muy impresionado por su alta calidad tanto de estética como de su concepto y desarrollo: Gods Unchained es sin duda un juego de cartas fenomenal.


logo--gods-unchained-icon 150pix.png

My first encounter with this fascinating world of cards with special powers took place during the last week of 2021. Those days off usually invite me to relax and look for activities to entertain myself, so after reading several posts in this nice community I started to research about the game. However, as there is practically nothing in my native language and getting accurate information on any detail is very difficult, I decided to jump into the water or rather into the card game in a self-taught way.

Mi primer encuentro con este fascinante mundo de cartas con poderes especiales se dio durante la última semana de 2021. Esos días de asueto por lo general me invitan a relajarme y a buscar actividades en los que entretenerme, así que después de haber leído varios post de esta interesante comunidad comencé a investigar acerca del juego. Sin embargo, como prácticamente no hay nada en mi idioma nativo y conseguir información precisa de algún detalle es muy difícil, decidí lanzarme al agua o mejor dicho a la partida de cartas de manera autodidacta.




I opened my account and played my first game a few days after the end of 2021, but as expected, I understood absolutely nothing and of course, I lost brutally. I didn't know what kicked my ass. So I had to read about the concept of the game and some recommendations on how the game should be played and it wasn't until the first week of January 2022 that I tried again and just in my second game, I got my first win. Woohoo! I did it!

With each new game, I began to understand a little more about how each type of card behaves and what you could expect from each God. I don't really know how it's been for the average player and I imagine there must be a few Gods Unchained gamblers here, but I think I've been doing pretty well considering I've been winning well over 50% of my games without buying any cards. After that first win, I've been playing during the weekends I've had the opportunity. And I guess by now many will say, but why do you only play during the weekends? Well, the quick answer is that I don't have much free time during the week, but the truth is that as I had not understood how the different ways of playing work until very recently I thought that there was only one event during each weekend and only in it you could play and win the rewards.




Abrí mi cuenta y realicé mi primera partida a los pocos días de finalizar 2021, pero como era de esperarse, no entendí absolutamente nada y por supuesto que perdí de manera brutal. No supe que me patió el trasero. De modo que tuve que leer sobre el concepto del juego y de algunas recomendaciones sobre la forma en que se debería llevar a cabo la partida y fue sino hasta la primera semana de enero de 2022 que volví a intentarlo y apenas en mi segunda partida obtuve mi primera victoria. ¡Wooohoo! ¡Lo hice!


Con cada nuevo juego empecé a comprender un poco más sobre la forma como cada tipo de carta se comporta y lo que podrías esperar de cada Dios. No sé realmente como ha sido para el jugador promedio y me imagino que aquí deben haber unos cuantos tahures de Gods Unchained, pero creo que me ha ido bastante bien considerando que he estado ganando mucho más del 50% de mis partidas sin haber comprado ninguna carta. Después de esa primera victoria he estado jugando durante los fines de semana que he tenido la oportunidad. Y supongo que ya muchos dirán, pero ¿por qué juegas sólo durante los fines de semana? Bueno la respuesta rápida es que no tengo mucho tiempo libre entre semana, pero la verdad es que como no había comprendido como funcionan las distintas formas de jugar hasta hace muy poco pensaba que sólo había un evento durante cada fin de semana y sólo en él se podía jugar y ganar las recompensas.




After playing the first two weekends of the year, I was thinking that maybe I had been doing something wrong because I had not received the token. I felt a bit demotivated and due to my limited time the following weekend I practically didn't play at all, but surprisingly a week ago I received my first tokens from GODS. Wow!



Después de estar jugando los dos primeros fines de semana del año, estuve pensando que quizás había estado haciendo algo mal porque no había recibido el token. Me sentí un poco desmotivado y debido a mi tiempo limitado el siguiente fin de semana prácticamente no realicé partidas, pero sorpresivamente hace una semana recibí mis primeros tokens de GODS. ¡Guao!


So far I have won:
Hasta ahora he ganado:
GODS TOKEN: 14.22181TOKEN GODS: 14.22181
FLUX: 1.67kFLUX: 1.67k
VIAL: 25.44kVIALES: 25.44k


Super excited and together with my two children, who by the way are learning to understand the game with me, we opened the first packs of cards that I won.

Súper emocionado y junto a mis dos hijos, que por cierto están aprendiendo a comprender el juego conmigo abrimos los primeros paquetes de cartas que gané.

You can click on any image to enlarge it. 🔍
Puedes hacer click sobre cualquier imagen para agrandarla. 🔍




My first rewards came in combo and I opened four packs of cards at the same time. Among the cards I consider most important are three armor cards and two backline cards. One of the backlines is a Mana 9 Legendary card, the only one with that rank that I have achieved so far.

Mis primeras recompensas vinieron en combo y abrí cuatro paquetes de cartas al mismo tiempo. Entre las cartas que considero más importantes están tres cartas de armadura y dos de backline. Una de las backline es una carta legendaria de Maná 9, la única con ese rango que he conseguido hasta ahora.


Ranking and expectations

At the time of writing this post, I have already reached the Midnight Shadow rank and I hope to reach the Auric Gold rank soon, but it is difficult to keep up because in this rank there are players with very powerful cards and I am starting to feel that I must quickly get new cards or else it will be practically impossible for me to continue climbing in the ranking. Besides, I already understood that I must start creating decks with a different combination than the ones I had been using because I must have a higher level of strength in both defense and attack.

In the last few games, I have not been as successful as in the beginning because now I have to face more experienced players who have a more solid deck with much more sophisticated powers. I had already reached the rank of Midnight Shadow a week ago, but due to the continuous defeats received I was downgraded to a lower category where I have duels with other players with similar conditions in terms of a deck of cards.



Al momento de hacer este post ya alcancé el rango de Midnight Shadow y espero llegar pronto al rango de Auric Gold, pero es difícil mantenerse porque en este rango hay jugadores con cartas muy poderosas y ya empiezo a sentir que debo conseguir rápidamente nuevas cartas o de lo contrario será prácticamente imposible que siga subiendo en el ranking. Además ya comprendí que debo a empezar a crear mazos con una combinación distinta a las que había estado usando porque debo tener mayor nivel de fortaleza tanto en la defensa como en el ataque.

En las últimas partidas no he tenido tanto éxito como al principio porque ahora me toca enfrentarme con jugadores más experimentados y que tienen un mazo de cartas más sólido con poderes mucho más sofisticados. Ya había alcanzado el rango de Midnight Shadow hace una semana, pero debido a las continuas derrotas recibidas me bajaron a una categoría menor donde tengo duelos con otros jugadores con condiciones similares en cuanto a mazo de cartas se refiere.




From this point on, when I have a basic grasp of the game, I'm going to get some information on which cards I should really have. I already have enough Vials (25.44k) to buy some cards in the WorkShop and enough Flux (1.67k) to forge some cards. But of course, this is where I'm stuck because I don't know if the forging option is enabled or if you have to wait to be able to do it and the most important question of all, what are the cards I should have to start forging some really exceptional cards?

So much for my first impression of this amazing game. With this question open I leave you to try to answer it in the next post.



A partir de este momento en el que ya tengo un dominio básico del juego, me dedicaré a obtener información sobre cuáles son las cartas que debería tener sí porque sí. Ya tengo suficientes Viales (25.44k) para adquirir algunas cartas en el WorkShop y Flux (1.67k) suficientes como para forjar algunas cartas. Pero claro, aquí es donde estoy trancado porque no sé si la opción de forjar está habilitada o si se debe esperar para poder hacerlo y la pregunta más importante de todas, ¿cuáles son las cartas que debería tener para empezar a forjar unas cartas realmente excepcionales?

Hasta aquí mi primera impresión sobre este increíble juego. Con esta pregunta abierta los dejo para tratar de responderla en el siguiente post.


The images and logos used from are property of Immutable..

Images edition: Adobe Photoshop
Camera: Apple iMac
Video and banner editing: Canva
Translation: DeepLGoogle Translate

Las imágenes, gráficos y logotipos usados de son propiedad de Inmutable.

Edición de imágenes: Adobe Photoshop
Cámara: Apple iMac
Edición de video y banners: Canva
Traducción: DeepLGoogle Translate


Hey, great first post! Love the layout :D

Regarding your rank, there's a wonderful resource known as GU Decks that provides all kinds of resources you can use to refine your decklist, lookup card themes, and even track your own progress.

While it's harder to do at first, one of the first major improvements to a deck is typically getting a second copy of the cards you play most. Since you're playing Nature, that Giant Pangolin you pulled is a solid upgrade to most Nature decks, and staples like Canopy Barrage are commons you'll hopefully get two of as you earn more Core Packs.

Otherwise, welcome to the community!

Hi, @entrepidus!

I have already used GU Decks to see the progress of the games and until a few days ago I realized what you are telling me. I still have no idea what the procedure is like to create the best deck of cards according to each God, but it is one of the next tasks that I will dedicate myself to in order to continue because I already begin to have recurring defeats as soon as I get close to the rank of Midnight Shadow.

I am glad that you liked the design of the post. I suppose that as I get more involved in the game, I will be able to advance in design as well.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post and for your amazing comment. 🙏

Welcome! Very often, you'll find that buying a card outright is cheaper than forging it, even in $GODS. I suggest you check TokenTrove for prices of Core cards before doing any forging, it's definitely possible to make a pretty good deck just by using the $GODS you earn in a few weeks.

Hi, @kephler!

Interesting suggestion. I'm going to check the price in TokenTrove, my friend. Thanks for taking your time to read my post and for your amazing comment!

Welcome to the game and thanks for the post! You had amazing luck opening your rare packs! Two shadow cards (that are good cards) and a legendary from just rare packs? Amazing.

Some advice on the Star Store ('vials' resource). For now, don't burn your stars buying shadow/meteorite welcome cards. Instead, save your stars to pick up copies of cards you don't have (you want 2x of each card). This will help you build more competitive decks, which helps you win more rewards.

Hope you continue to enjoy Gods Unchained!

Hi, @kstreet!

Oh seriously? She didn't know that the cards were really good. I guess I should start to better understand the categories and ranges of power in them.

Have you already forged any cards? I have a doubt regarding that. To forge a legendary card, do you have to first forge the rare ones, the epic ones, and so on until you reach the legendary one?

Thank you very much for your excellent advice and your kind words of welcome.

This post will probably answer 90% of your questions:

Thank you, my friend! I'm going to read it.

Keep discovering and practicing this game will only get better. Also if you feel like you are confused at some point, this community have a lot of useful tips, decks and a lot of stuff so make sure to check them out! Good progress so far from you!

Brother, it's great that it's like this. I imagine that with each expansion and each time I level up with new cards, the strategies and battles will be more epic. I have reviewed some posts of more advanced colleagues and it really is impressive. I don't understand anything right now lol 😂

Hahaha its normal to find things complicated at first! With time when you get to experience more cards and decks and experience new terms you will get used to it. My advice for you as a starter would be to find or make a free to play deck for each god or 2,3 gods ( you can find many that are f2p and effective as well either on you tube or here on hive) and try to get used to them as much as possible. They will carve a way for you to get more wins and rewards. This my advice for competing side as of just having fun you can always do whatever decks and enjoy thats the beauty of the game <3

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Good share i do get sometimes this game can be dauting but i would say stick with griding this and making a powerful account im sure it will become more and more rewarding! cheers

@charsdesign, one of your Hive friends wishes you a Happy Valentine's day and asked us to give you a new badge!

Valentine's Day 2022

To find out who wanted you to receive this special gift, click here!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 11
Valentine's day challenge - Give a badge to your beloved!