15 Barrels = 30 Damage! Chaos Mode!

in Gods On Chain2 years ago


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Barrel Full of Chaos

If you want chaos, you've got it. This deck is full of choices on how to win depending on how your opponent reacts. Check out the game from the latest video above!

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This deck aims to win via a simple combination, which is to get as many barrels out and then play an Archpriest as a 60/60 stat beast.

How? Each barrel has 10 Order, 6 barrels is 60 Order (plus the rest of the deck packs an Order punch for even more!)

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The Archpriest can then swoop in on the same turn (if using Necronomics or you've reduced barrels and other cards)

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If you don't have an Archpriest in hand, and if you're of the particularly evil sort, you can infinitely lock down an opponents board.

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Once your opponent's board is full of barrels, you can Cleanse them so they lose Burn! Now your opponent literally cannot do anything unless they can kill off their own board. And if they do kill off their own board, it means they eat 12 damage!

Which brings us to door #3 in how to win: Use 15 barrels! It sounds like a lot but it's only 5 Surprise Deliveries and believe it or not, this deck has the ability to play a LOT more than 5!

Recovered Knowledge actually makes it technically possible to play 2 Surprise Deliveries, then Recover them both. Do that a second time for 6 Surprises. Then you can use Pyrrhic Knowledge for 2 more copies! This brings the deck total to 8 possible Surprises!

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Truthfully you only need to hit Surprise Delivery once with Recovered Knowledge and the rest are easy, so it's not even complicated really.

More evil Chaos decks to come, let me know what you've come up with!


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After playing Apocalypse Now then locking the opponent's board using barrels turned the game around I am sure your opponent is very annoyed. And does he think Rapture Dance will destroy all the barrels on his board? LOL!

Hi, I always wanted to fill the enemy board with "Surprise Delivery", nice explosions.👍👍👍