Welcome welcome Gods to Vol.2
" Imagine....if there were Anime Cards in GU "
A biweekly collaboration work from yours truly and the ever friendly and fun FearsomeGU
As always take these cards with a grain of salt, a truckload of salt if you will.
Next Volume will be the last in the Naruto series, since we have a lot of other anime series we wanted to cover, but never fear, we are talking about revisiting some themes further down the road.
We would love to hear from you in the comments below which popular anime series you would like us to cover for our future series. So DROP AN ANIME SERIE TITLE DOWN BELOW !
Enjoy the broken cards :D
That's it for this week.
Have any good meme Ideas to share?
Be sure to get in touch with me through discord
and I'll highlight it in my Weekly post :D
Till next week Gods, Keep Grinding !
Twitch : JeagerKay
Discord: WeeBiza
Twitter: Jeager KayAuthor : @dannykong
Special shout out to FeasomeGU for helping me brainstorm this new idea!
Be sure to follow him on twitch too
FearsomeGu : FearsomeGU on Twitch
"we are the same" should have the description make your opponent concede
Claymore :D