Cliff Dweller Series - Week 11

in Gods On Chain2 years ago

Back in Mythic! The grind was real but at the time of writing we made it back to the top of the pile. 13 wins in gold for the weekend ranked, some more Light's Verdict cards, it was a good one. I know that I said that my days of playing Heirloom are limited but I couldn't resist.

The Deck

Zero changes after last week's success, similar results as well.

Deck 1 - Week 11.PNG


An solid week with 13 wins (in Gold). We keep going first a lot which seems to be floating us.

Week 11 Statistics

Archetype Results

ArchetypeMatchesWin RateGoing 1stGoing 2nd
Zombie Death250%0%100%
Aggro Deception250%-50%
Order Deception1100%100%-
Midrange Light1100%-100%
Midrange Magic10%-0%
Ramp Magic1100%-100%
Aggro Nature2100%100%-
Control Nature2100%100%-
Aggro War367%67%-
Control War367%67%-

Starting Position Results

Going 1stGoing 2nd
Win Rate75%67%

Running Statistics

Archetype Results

ArchetypeMatchesWin RateGoing 1stGoing 2nd
Heirloom Death633%50%0%
Zombie Death2035%22%45%
Sleep Death2100%100%100%
Control Death1100%100%-
Aggro Deception1527%30%20%
Midrange Deception1100%100%-
Control Deception1070%60%80%
Order Deception367%67%-
Aggro Light1258%57%60%
Midrange Light540%-40%
Control Light540%67%0%
Aggro Magic367%67%-
Midrange Magic10%-0%
Control Magic1995%100%88%
Ramp Magic1100%-100%
Card Draw Magic20%0%-
Aggro Nature1850%78%22%
Midrange Nature1050%50%50%
Regen Nature10%-0%
Control Nature888%100%67%
Aggro War2361%69%43%
Frenzied Aggro War560%75%0%
Big Relic War2100%100%100%
Midrange War475%67%100%
Control War367%67%-

Starting Position Results

Going 1stGoing 2nd
Win Rate64%48%


We got another The Dearly Departed and a Pyrrhic Knowledge from Light's Verdict. I shadow Bifurcating Curse is also nice for the Death shine.

All packs - Week 11.png


Decent week with ~13 Gods, considering I didn't play all my games. I am a bit short of time until the end of the year (crunch time at work).


Looking Forward

With the success I have had the last few days it is highly likely that Heirloom will be on the cards again for weekend ranked. I have aggressively been increasing the shine of my deck to shadow, with all Mortal Judgement and Core cards being shadow. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make this deck more competitive in the meta please let me know in the comments. Some have said that I should have 2x Land of the Dead but I'm not convinced.

At this stage it seems that I am just collecting data (and it is a turning out to be a really big dataset) until I can get enough Gods/Eth to buy some of the higher tier cards.

On the Light's Verdict front, I may just end up buying all the non-chase cards. I can't justify paying 100 bucks for each of the Whiteplain cards (400 in total) and the Demo price that Thaeriel is commanding.

That wraps it up for this week, I look forward to running into you out there on the cliff face!

In Previous Episodes...

If you missed the previous installment of this series it can be found here:


Glad to see it's working for you. Neferu is a really nice card! I actually tried running anubians yesterday, but I barely play them and made several stupid mistakes. I won my third game, though. 😄