[ES-EN] 👊The power of 🔥"Enflame Self" and 💥"Blackfire Fledgling" to dominate the arena


Fuente / Source
Estas imágenes han sido mezcladas por mí / These images have been mixed by me


Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Gods Unchained", hoy estoy jugando con un mazo "Zoo Light Deck" y me enfrente
a un mazo "Midrange Death" jugado por "RapidsWatcher".

Greetings to the entire "Gods Unchained" community, today I'm playing with a "Zoo Light Deck" and I'm facing
a "Midrange Death" deck played by "RapidsWatcher".


Ronda 1

Mi primera criatura es "Deuteria, Manashard Mage", su rugido agregara otra legendaria de costo 1 a mi deck.
El enemigo activa "Voidwatch Brand", una reliquia que después que una de sus criaturas muera agregara un "Dread" a mi mazo
y cuando lleguen a mi mazo harán 2 de daño a mi dios y sanará a su dios por 2.
También ha ubicado a "Onyx Nightblade" y a "Ghost Marauder".

Round 1

My first creature is "Deuteria, Manashard Mage", its roar will add another 1 cost legendary to my deck.
The enemy activates "Voidwatch Brand", a relic that after one of their creatures dies will add a "Dread" to my deck
and when they get to my deck they will deal 2 damage to my god and heal their god for 2.
They have also placed "Onyx Nightblade" and "Ghost Marauder".


Ronda 2

Decido solo invocar un "acolyte" con mi poder de dios y atacó con "Deuteria".
Aparece "Blackfire Fledgling" y sus 2 unidades atacan a mi dios.

Round 2

I decide to just summon an "acolyte" with my god power and attack with "Deuteria".
"Blackfire Fledgling" appears and its 2 units attack my god.


Ronda 3

Hago ingresar a "Sern, The Moderator" para colocar "order 3" a "Blackfire Fledgling" y dar a mi dios 2 puntos de salud.
Luego ataco con mis 2 criaturas.
El rival ubica "Lootable Corpse" cuyo "afterlife" le dará una tarjeta.
Después activa "Enflame Self" que lastima a su dios pero cuando mis criaturas ataquen a su dios estas recibirán "burn +2".
También ubica a "Burrowing Scarab" cuyo "afterlife" dará 2 tarjetas a nuestras manos.
Después "Ghost Marauder" ataca a "Sern, The Moderator" y le agrega "burn +1", su criatura muere y su reliquia agrega un
"dread" a mi mazo.

Round 3

I bring in "Sern, The Moderator" to set "order 3" to "Blackfire Fledgling" and give my god 2 health points.
Then I attack with my 2 creatures.
The opponent places "Lootable Corpse" whose afterlife will give him a card.
Then he activates "Enflame Self" which hurts his god but when my creatures attack his god they will receive "burn +2".
He also places "Burrowing Scarab" whose afterlife will give 2 cards to our hands.
Then "Ghost Marauder" attacks "Sern, The Moderator" and adds "burn +1", his creature dies and his relic adds a
"dread" to my deck.


Ronda 4

Ahora uso "Inquisitor Informant" para dar "order +3" a "Blackfire Fledgling",
luego uso "Humble Benefactor" para dar 1 punto más de vida a "Sern, The Moderator".
Ataco con mis criaturas y ganó favores, el Santuario me concede a "Dead Sentry" con "frontline" .
Y para finalizar uso el "echo" de "Humble Benefactor" para dar 1 punto más de vida a "Sern, The Moderator".
El turno finaliza y 2 de mis criaturas sucumben por el "burn".
"Flamecaller" ingresa a la arena y al finalizar mi turno hará 1 de daño a mis criaturas y a mi dios.
"Burrowing Scarab" lastima a "Inquisitor Informant" y muere activando su "afterlife", entonces los 2 conseguimos 2
tarjetas del mazo.
Pero también "Onyx Nightblade" ataca a mi "Inquisitor Informant", todas mis criaturas quedan con 1 punto de vida, esperando
que "Flamecaller" active su habilidad y las elimine.

Round 4

Now I use "Inquisitor Informant" to give "order +3" to "Blackfire Fledgling",
then I use "Humble Benefactor" to give 1 more life point to "Sern, The Moderator".
I attack with my creatures and gain favors, the Sanctuary grants me "Dead Sentry" with "frontline".
And to finish I use the "echo" of "Humble Benefactor" to give 1 more life point to "Sern, The Moderator".
The turn ends and 2 of my creatures succumb to the "burn".
"Flamecaller" enters the arena and at the end of my turn it will do 1 damage to my creatures and my god.
"Burrowing Scarab" hurts "Inquisitor Informant" and it dies activating its "afterlife", so we both get 2
cards from the deck.
But "Onyx Nightblade" also attacks my "Inquisitor Informant", all my creatures are left with 1 life point, waiting for "Flamecaller" to activate its ability and eliminate them.


Ronda 5

Decido ubicar a "Kadmos, Son of Lysander" en la mesa, por ahora solo puedo hacer esto.
El enemigo usa "Monsterize" para dar 4/3 a "Lootable Corpse" y atacar a "Kadmos", este resiste pero queda muy débil.
Para mi mala suerte el equipo muerte consigue "Vow of Champions" del Santuario y hace 2 de daño a "Kadmos".

Round 5

I decide to place "Kadmos, Son of Lysander" on the table, for now I can only do this.
The enemy uses "Monsterize" to give "Lootable Corpse" a 4/3 and attack "Kadmos", he resists but is very weak.
Unfortunately for me, the death team gets "Vow of Champions" from the Sanctuary and does 2 damage to "Kadmos".


Ronda 6

Lanzó a "The Divine Coronet" con la esperanza de conseguir una gran bestia en los siguientes turnos.
El rival ubica un "Blackfire Fledgling" y un "Skeletal Hoplite".

Round 6

He cast "The Divine Coronet" in hopes of getting a big beast in the following turns.
The opponent places a "Blackfire Fledgling" and a "Skeletal Hoplite".


Ronda 7

Logre obtener mi "The Divine Coronet" del mazo e invoque a "Valka, Champion of War" en la arena para frenar el avance
enemigo. Y para finalizar mi turno ubico a "Vesper of Concession".
Dos enemigos atacan a mi legendaria "frontline" y la dejan con 2 puntos de vida, luego usa "Blight Bomb" para destruir mi
Luego hace uso de "Fated Demise" para invocar a "Blackfire Fledgling" de su "void".
Mi "Vesper of Concession" es destruido por "Skeletal Hoplite".
Para finalizar su turno usa "Living Container" cuyo rugido manda a "Blackfire Fledgling" al "void" pero su "afterlife" lo
revivirá con "+2/+2", esto es genial porque el efecto de "Blackfire Fledgling" se activará 2 veces.

Round 7

I managed to get my "The Divine Coronet" from the deck and summon "Valka, Champion of War" in the arena to stop the enemy advance.
And to end my turn I place "Vesper of Concession".
Two enemies attack my legendary "frontline" and leave it with 2 life points, then he uses "Blight Bomb" to destroy my
He then uses "Fated Demise" to summon "Blackfire Fledgling" from his "void".
My "Vesper of Concession" is destroyed by "Skeletal Hoplite".
To end his turn he uses "Living Container" whose roar sends "Blackfire Fledgling" to the "void" but its "afterlife" will
revive it with "+2/+2", this is great because the effect of "Blackfire Fledgling" will activate 2 times.


Ronda 8

Ubico a "Dead Sentry" y "Vexing Vicar" en la mesa.
"Living Container" lastima a "Dead Sentry" y "Blackfire Fledgling" pudo regresar del "void" con +2/+2.
Luego "Ranger Firstbow" aparece y su rugido quita el "ward" de "Vexing Vicar".
El otro "Blackfire Fledgling" acaba con mi "Dead Sentry", está también muere y su efecto "afterlife"
lastima a mi dios y quita el "protected" de "Vexing Vicar".
Después "Skeletal Hoplite" saca del juego a "Vexing Vicar".
Y luego de los ataques de "Flamecaller" mi dios queda con 3 puntos de vida.

Round 8

I put "Dead Sentry" and "Vexing Vicar" on the board.
"Living Container" hurts "Dead Sentry" and "Blackfire Fledgling" was able to come back from the void with +2/+2.
Then "Ranger Firstbow" appears and its roar removes the "ward" of "Vexing Vicar".
The other "Blackfire Fledgling" finishes off my "Dead Sentry", it also dies and its "afterlife" effect
hurts my god and removes the "protected" of "Vexing Vicar".
Then "Skeletal Hoplite" takes "Vexing Vicar" out of the game.
And after the attacks of "Flamecaller" my god is left with 3 life points.



No puedo controlar el tablero porque "Enflame Self" colocó "burn +2" a mis criaturas, esto
permitió el ingreso de "Flamecaller" que empeoró mi situación porque hace 1 de daño a mis criaturas y dios al
finalizar el turno.
Ni mi "The Divine Coronet" pudo frenar a las criaturas enemigas lideradas por "Blackfire Fledgling" que fue
revivido con "Fated Demise".


I can't control the board because "Enflame Self" put "burn +2" on my creatures, this
allowed the entry of "Flamecaller" which worsened my situation because it does 1 damage to my creatures and god at the
end of the turn.

Not even my "The Divine Coronet" could stop the enemy creatures led by "Blackfire Fledgling" that was
revived with "Fated Demise".


El mazo

Te dejo el código del deck para que lo puedas probar en tus batallas.

The deck

I leave you the code of the deck so you can try it in your battles.



Fuente / Source


Si aún no juegas "Gods Unchained", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.

If you don't play "Gods Unchained" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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Blackfire Fledging is a very annoying card, it does face damage and damage to creatures.