Gods Unchained - War Meta Report (Welcome & Core Set — December 2021)

in Gods On Chain3 years ago (edited)


Before we begin, I'd like to give a special shoutout to @jungleboy1 who has agreed to assist me in bringing the "refined culture" of his Nature data and statistics to the other, less fortunate, domains. I appreciate the tremendous sacrifice Nature has made by providing this information, and the benevolence of his kind gesture has not gone unnoticed. ;P

In all seriousness, though, this post and the forthcoming series I'll be releasing alongside his Nature set breakdowns wouldn't be possible without his help. I hope any non-Nature players that might have been envying his posts will find what they're looking for in this series.

We aim to provide monthly "Meta Report" updates, where appropriate, so without further ado: I present the December 2021 War breakdown for the Welcome and Core sets!

War Welcome Set

Boil-Blood Outlaw.png

Boil-Blood Outlaw

It's not a surprise that he's the most populous Welcome card among newer players, but it is interesting that he maintains a decent inclusion rate even at the Mythic level of play. It's clear that many value his ability to provide early pressure, but this might be slightly overcooked in Mythic matches where his win rate has begun to lag behind.


  • Play Rate — 86%
  • Win Rate — 48.7%
  • Games Played — 2,566,723


  • Play Rate — 38.3%
  • Win Rate — 43.5%
  • Games Played — 75,467

Call to Arms.png

Call to Arms

Given how uncommon card draw is for War—only 6, in total, across all sets—the extremely low play rate among even newer players is unexpected. It's the second least played Welcome card outside of Mythic (third inside Mythic) despite sharing a similar overall win rate to more popular cards like Over-proof Brew.

This call has certainly fallen on deaf ears, but I'd encourage anyone overlooking it to give it a fair shake before dismissing it for good. The +2 Health can improve trading dynamics for the better in many unfavorable match-ups for War.


  • Play Rate — 23.5%
  • Win Rate — 47%
  • Games Played — 699,796


  • Play Rate — 9%
  • Win Rate — 43.3%
  • Games Played — 17,802



While not as ignored outside of Mythic as Call to Arms, Mythic players have clearly moved on to greener pastures. They promptly set them on fire, but that's a different issue, entirely. The point, here, is Mythic players seem to be finding better value elsewhere. Perhaps with how prevalent Blitz is within the War domain, the +X/Blitz combo could be less useful than straight +X/+X alternatives.


  • Play Rate — 26.3%
  • Win Rate — 46.5%
  • Games Played — 783,981


  • Play Rate — 3.9%
  • Win Rate — 37.7%
  • Games Played — 7,611

Over-proof Brew.png

Over-proof Brew

The value here is self-evident, as players of all types clearly agree. What's surprising, however, is the dip in win rate when moving into Mythic. While War lacks another similar source of AoE +Strength, the self-damage could be undermining the value of an over-proofed power turn, especially if some of your own creatures die in the process.

There's no need to sober up, yet, but it'll be interesting to see how the win rate changes over time.


  • Play Rate — 64.9%
  • Win Rate — 48.6%
  • Games Played — 1,934,966


  • Play Rate — 33.1%
  • Win Rate — 43.8%
  • Games Played — 65,170

Raid Reveller.png

Raid Reveller

Without a doubt, nobody parties like she does. Despite being a Welcome card, even Mythic players include her far more often than not (roughly double any other Welcome card). She also boasts the only win rate that both increases when moving into Mythic and rises above 50%.


  • Play Rate — 76.1%
  • Win Rate — 49.6%
  • Games Played — 2,269,494


  • Play Rate — 75.4%
  • Win Rate — 50.8%
  • Games Played — 148,664

Ramshackle Hatchet.png

Ramshackle Hatchet

While clearly effective in the hands of newer players, this shoddy weapon doesn't hold up in Mythic where well-crafted tools are more abundant. In other words, this relic seems to be functioning as a budget version of better cards required to compete in Mythic. This is supported by it having the second largest difference in win rate when moving from standard to Mythic play.


  • Play Rate — 42.3%
  • Win Rate — 48.2%
  • Games Played — 1,260,937


  • Play Rate — 10.2%
  • Win Rate — 38%
  • Games Played — 20,170

Twinhorn Rider.png

Twinhorn Rider

Despite a respectable win rate in standard play, it's clearly hunting season for reindeer in Mythic. With its Mythic win rate being the lowest among Welcome cards by nearly 8%, one has to wonder why a potential source of 8 immediate damage is lagging behind.

Look no further than Orcish Elite, a 5-cost 3/6 with identical abilities. For two less mana, an Orcish Elite can accomplish most of what this overpriced zergling was intended for.


  • Play Rate — 22.2%
  • Win Rate — 45.1%
  • Games Played — 663,524


  • Play Rate — 1.7%
  • Win Rate — 30.5%
  • Games Played — 3,423

Vicious Rend.png

Vicious Rend

Given the numbers, there's not much to say other than breaking things is clearly popular and effective for War players. Boasting the second highest win rates in the Welcome set, this is a reliable include in any War deck.


  • Play Rate — 60.3%
  • Win Rate — 48.9%
  • Games Played — 1,799,203


  • Play Rate — 49%
  • Win Rate — 48.6%
  • Games Played — 96,460

RANKINGS by Category


Play Rate
1stBoil-Blood Outlaw86%1.83 Copies in Deck2,566,723 total matches
2ndRaid Reveller76.1%1.79 Copies in Deck2,269,494 total matches
. . .
7thCall to Arms23.5%1.57 Copies in Deck699,796 total matches
8thTwinhorn Rider22.2%1.54 Copies in Deck663,524 total matches
Win Rate
1stRaid Reveller49.6%1.79 Copies in Deck2,269,494 total matches
2ndVicious Rend48.9%1.69 Copies in Deck1,799,203 total matches
. . .
7thFury46.5%1.52 Copies in Deck783,981 total matches
8thTwinhorn Rider45.1%1.54 Copies in Deck663,524 total matches


Play Rate
1stRaid Reveller75.4%1.79 Copies in Deck148,664 total matches
2ndBoil-Blood Outlaw38.3%1.83 Copies in Deck75,467 total matches
. . .
7thFury3.9%1.52 Copies in Deck7,611 total matches
8thTwinhorn Rider1.7%1.54 Copies in Deck3,423 total matches
Win Rate
1stRaid Reveller50.8%1.79 Copies in Deck148,664 total matches
2ndVicious Rend48.6%1.69 Copies in Deck96,460 total matches
. . .
7thFury37.7%1.52 Copies in Deck7,611 total matches
8thTwinhorn Rider30.5%1.54 Copies in Deck3,423 total matches


In summary, Raid Reveller stands out as a strong choice for any War player while Vicious Rend is reliable filler when lacking stronger alternatives. Twinhorn Rider is clearly a trap for newer players, while Call to Arms might be overlooked.

War Core Set


Antimagic Wards

Um, excuse me sir, are you lost? The Captain America fan club meets over in the Light clubhouse, not the War bunker.

To be blunt, this card is in the wrong domain. As useful as it may be to protect an important creature and stall your opponent's mana, it clearly doesn't hold up in Mythic. This reminds me of land destruction from MTG, but the only other mana locking source available to War is Gunpowder Plot, a Genesis spell.

Now, I was dropped on my head as a child—repeatedly—so I'm eager to put a mana locking deck to the test. I fully expect that it'll be ineffective, though, until either additional sources are added in future sets or this card is simply reworked.


  • Play Rate — 1.1%
  • Win Rate — 45.9%
  • Games Played — 33,063


  • Play Rate — 0.2%
  • Win Rate — 34.2%
  • Games Played — 345

Price — $0.39


Ares' Runeblade

Ares, the God of War, has a bone to pick with War players, right now, as his prized weapon appears to be rusting on the rack at the back of the barracks. Somehow, this has the same price—one I'd argue is undervalued—as Signal Scouts and Mercenary Troop, two War Core rares we'll explore the futility of down below.

Personally, I suspect that this relic requires thoughtful play to be effective given the lower win rate at all levels. Further, the cost makes it difficult to justify including unless you're running a mid-range War deck, something many players are ignoring due to current preference for early aggro rush decks.


  • Play Rate — 3.8%
  • Win Rate — 48.5%
  • Games Played — 114,568


  • Play Rate — 1.7%
  • Win Rate — 45.6%
  • Games Played — 3,388

Price — $0.81


Auric Mage

A perfectly middling card that many likely haven't given a proper chance, yet. It's above average price suggests that early adopters have begun to recognize the value of Leech ahead of widespread inclusion in War decks.


  • Play Rate — 11.7%
  • Win Rate — 50.8%
  • Games Played — 348,224


  • Play Rate — 12.3%
  • Win Rate — 50.6%
  • Games Played — 24,186

Price — $0.56


Auric Rush

As one of War's few sources of cheap removal, it's no surprise that a respectable number of War players are using it to moderate success. It doesn't appear to be deciding matches all on it's own, but the numbers indicate that War really was meant to rush headlong into battle!


  • Play Rate — 20.5%
  • Win Rate — 51.3%
  • Games Played — 609,597


  • Play Rate — 26.4%
  • Win Rate — 49.8%
  • Games Played — 51,981

Price — $0.77


Avalanche Strike

Finding itself below average at all levels of play, this Avalanche comes across as more of a brief mud slide despite the extra conditional damage that should be easily triggered in a War deck.

Given that its use hasn't died off entirely, I suspect it's found a home in the rarely seen control War deck where the cost and damage output fits snugly. The price and play rates might suggest overlooking this spell, but keep it in mind if you like to explore offbeat niche decks.


  • Play Rate — 7.8%
  • Win Rate — 49.9%
  • Games Played — 232,118


  • Play Rate — 6.6%
  • Win Rate — 48.5%
  • Games Played — 12,923

Price — $0.40


Belligerent Warlock

While certainly not the most popular creature among standard War players, this rude dude with a mean attitude appears to have an average win rate until moving into Mythic play. At that point, I'd guess that many other (more expensive) options become more appealing to play.

I also suspect that lower stats and a delayed card draw make him vulnerable to aggressive players. Imaging dropping this finger wiggler only to lose him to a Vanguard Axewoman.


  • Play Rate — 11.1%
  • Win Rate — 50.5%
  • Games Played — 330,675


  • Play Rate — 2.2%
  • Win Rate — 34.9%
  • Games Played — 4,372

Price — $1.13



Despite being decently popular at all levels of play, it appears her blades are rather dull when faced with Mythic opponents. This tells me she's well-suited to budget decks many newer players can use to be competitive despite a limited card selection. At Mythic, she's likely filler primed for replacement by gold legendary "this" and diamond epic "that".


  • Play Rate — 36.8%
  • Win Rate — 52.1%
  • Games Played — 1,097,366


  • Play Rate — 31.8%
  • Win Rate — 42.9%
  • Games Played — 62,601

Price — $0.76


Blade of Styx

As one of the few War Core cards that increases in popularity when moving from standard to Mythic play, this relic lands solidly above the average. If you're looking for spot removal or extra damage, in general, this is a prime candidate.

I'd probably argue that its current price is slightly undervalued , but you wouldn't find me spending more than $1.00.


  • Play Rate — 33.9%
  • Win Rate — 53.9%
  • Games Played — 1,010,693


  • Play Rate — 82.3%
  • Win Rate — 51.8%
  • Games Played — 162,087

Price — $0.97


Carnage Sweep

If the numbers are any indication, many standard players are sleeping on this spell while Mythic players are waking up to the value of conditional AoE destruction. War has so many relics at its disposal, that consistently sweeping the board should be easily accomplished.

This card is decidedly undervalued given its board impact and uptrend in effectiveness in Mythic.


  • Play Rate — 10.3%
  • Win Rate — 51.1%
  • Games Played — 307,168


  • Play Rate — 22.8%
  • Win Rate — 54.4%
  • Games Played — 44,975

Price — $0.53


Deadly Arsenal

With some War Core cards boasting win rates as high as 56% in Mythic, this spell appears to be deadlier to its caster than it is for the opponent. It enjoys an average popularity, but I can personally attest to its inconsistent effectiveness. With the current meta gravitating towards heavy control, removal and aggro, an additional early creature likely fares better than a stacked creature primed for easy removal.

I'd suggest the current price is moderately overpriced simply because +X/+X is easier to see the value of. Unfortunately, that value doesn't appear to translate as cleanly to wins.


  • Play Rate — 22.5%
  • Win Rate — 51%
  • Games Played — 670,349


  • Play Rate — 21.4%
  • Win Rate — 45.8%
  • Games Played — 42,185

Price — $1.98


Devouring Blade

There are clear uses for this weapon that would seem strong, but it has the lowest win rate in Mythic among Epic cards by at least 5%. The randomness of its secondary removal paired with it's higher cost and lack of Godblitz has rendered it somewhat forgettable. As such, it's currently devouring dust on the shelf for most players.


  • Play Rate — 3.1%
  • Win Rate — 49.1%
  • Games Played — 91,547


  • Play Rate — 2.2%
  • Win Rate — 45.9%
  • Games Played — 4,374

Price — $2.83


Enduring Shield

Boasting one of the largest jumps in play rate when moving from standard to Mythic play, it's clear that while its win rate is holding up at all levels, it requires thoughtful use lest the user endure a savage beating. I personally favor this relic for it's combo potential, a preference the majority of Mythic players clearly share.


  • Play Rate — 31.3%
  • Win Rate — 53.3%
  • Games Played — 934,153


  • Play Rate — 65.7%
  • Win Rate — 51.1%
  • Games Played — 129,317

Price — $1.13


Grendel, Night Terror

Well, he's legendary, and he exists, so there's that.

The extremely low play rate is understandable given his rarity, but his play rate in Mythic—where budgets are widely expanded—is roughly 1/10th that of Hector, the other War Core legendary for war.

His win rate is also decidedly below average which pushes him solidly into the realm of childhood nightmares rather than the forefront of battle.


  • Play Rate — 2.9%
  • Win Rate — 49%
  • Games Played — 85,029


  • Play Rate — 2.5%
  • Win Rate — 44.6%
  • Games Played — 4,904

Price — $11.17


Hector, Prince of Troy

This swole fellah enjoys the highest win rate of all War's Core cards in Mythic play. At ~56%, his win rate is >10% higher than Grendel's in Mythic but only 4% higher in standard play. What this tells me is his effectiveness requires thoughtful deck construction, as his main ability scales accordingly. If your deck is lacking in keywords, his impact is less likely to be felt.

I'd like to think that his current price is actually somewhat overvalued, but there is a clear demand that will sustain it until some other external force brings it down.


  • Play Rate — 6.6%
  • Win Rate — 53.2%
  • Games Played — 195,909


  • Play Rate — 22.1%
  • Win Rate — 56.1%
  • Games Played — 43,415

Price — $29.49


Mercenary Troop

These numbers are peculiar because of how low the win rate is in Mythic. My interpretation is that the card is too vague to be appealing in standard play and ineffective at the Mythic level. Further, it's likely that the win rate is further reduced simply because someone who chooses to include this card may be more likely to include other inefficient cards that contribute to more frequent losses.

In other words, why hire mercenaries to fight your battles when you can bash face all on your own?


  • Play Rate — 8%
  • Win Rate — 49%
  • Games Played — 237,435


  • Play Rate — 1.1%
  • Win Rate — 33.5%
  • Games Played — 2,114

Price — $0.81


Orcish Elite

With a straightforward description and intended use, the consistent win rate across all levels of play is not surprising. As mentioned before, she is almost strictly better than Twinhorn Raider (from the Welcome set) and is very likely to trade favorably.

Her appeal increases when newer players become aware of her, so I'd suggest that her current price is roughly on par with the general value assigned to her by the player-base.


  • Play Rate — 23.7%
  • Win Rate — 54.1%
  • Games Played — 707,713


  • Play Rate — 50.2%
  • Win Rate — 54.1%
  • Games Played — 98,862

Price — $1.29



An unpopular card with below average results.

Having tried to use it in several decks, my belief is that it's not worth running unless your deck requires certain relics to achieve a particular combo or board state. Since this often involves removing all other relics but the one you want to pull, it restricts you from running additional relics that likely have greater value.


  • Play Rate — 3.5%
  • Win Rate — 48.6%
  • Games Played — 104,802


  • Play Rate — 2.6%
  • Win Rate — 47.1%
  • Games Played — 5,209

Price — $0.40


Redfume Serum

Both popular and effective, this is likely what replaces Over-proof Brew in many War decks. It's lower play rate in standard play is likely due to its rarity more than anything else.


  • Play Rate — 14.5%
  • Win Rate — 52.9%
  • Games Played — 433,424


  • Play Rate — 38.3%
  • Win Rate — 53%
  • Games Played — 75,365

Price — $10.47


Signal Scouts

In a different meta, the chances of having multiple injured creatures on the board long enough to play this would be higher. Unfortunately, the present meta values clean (AoE) removal over sustained slug-fests.

There is an argument to be made for combining this with Auric Rush or another AoE plinker to quickly replenish your hand with cards, but this involves tying up multiple slots in your deck with cards that are largely ineffective on their own.

This makes it unpopular and potentially overvalued if Ares' Runeblade—a better card—remains at $0.81.


  • Play Rate — 2.5%
  • Win Rate — 48.9%
  • Games Played — 73,325


  • Play Rate — 0.9%
  • Win Rate — 41.6%
  • Games Played — 1,783

Price — $0.81


Tamed Mammoth

While appearing to be a strong source of damage ramp, we can't ignore the elephant in the room: Its win rate at Mythic levels of play drops off considerably.

Logically, I'd assume this has to do with similar 4-cost creatures such as Archangel Bruiser being more appealing for their immediate impact. This is doubly true when considering the pace of the current meta. Waiting around for this beast to get angry may be too slow at higher levels of play.


  • Play Rate — 29.6%
  • Win Rate — 51.4%
  • Games Played — 882,197


  • Play Rate — 16.9%
  • Win Rate — 40.5%
  • Games Played — 33,305

Price — $0.73


Tartessian Improviser

Even though her numbers aren't bad, my personal experience suggests that many are overlooking her value in accelerating any aggro deck she's added to.

It could be that it's not as effective in Mythic where legendaries are rampaging about, but the lasting secondary effect of her Roar guarantees an efficient play so long as she achieves a 1:1 trade or better.

I'd like to think she's slightly undervalued—$8-$8.50 being my target price—but we'll have to watch how her performance changes over time.


  • Play Rate — 10.6%
  • Win Rate — 52.2%
  • Games Played — 315,381


  • Play Rate — 18.3%
  • Win Rate — 50.2%
  • Games Played — 35,935

Price — $7.00


Tartessian Skirmisher

I'm not sure what's happening in Mythic that makes running him so dang detrimental to your deck, but at least there's value to using him in standard play. We'll have to check in on him in the coming months.

My belief is that many might be playing him directly without a target for his Roar, thus undermining his value. If viewed more like a spell with a creature attached, I've found great success when using him even in Mythic match-ups.

I contend that his current price is moderately undervalued, and something closer to $0.50 would be more appropriate.


  • Play Rate — 20.4%
  • Win Rate — 51.2%
  • Games Played — 608,191


  • Play Rate — 8%
  • Win Rate — 38.3%
  • Games Played — 15,833

Price — $0.39


Tavern Brawler

Boasting the highest play rate for ALL levels of play, it's surprising to see that her win rates aren't higher for it. Regardless, she's a top include for most War players, even if she's not handing out free wins left and right.

My own experience suggests that her price (and appeal) is slightly overvalued, but it's hard to argue with a near 90% play rate in Mythic. I'll be watching her closely for any changes in future reports.


  • Play Rate — 39.2%
  • Win Rate — 53.7%
  • Games Played — 1,166,837


  • Play Rate — 87.3%
  • Win Rate — 52.5%
  • Games Played — 171,753

Price — $1.40


Trojan Battlemage

While decently popular across all levels of play, there is a distinct drop off in win rate when entering Mythic play. I'd suggest that despite having Protected, this mage isn't well-suited for battle in a meta where multiple sources of cheap "plinkage" exist.

For example, any God Power that deals 1 damage + anything else that deals 1 damage will efficiently remove him from the board. Selena's Mark + Athenian Archer is one such example that requires the same amount of mana and immediately nets +1 card advantage. This is more common at at higher levels of play, thus one possible explanation for the lowered win rate.


  • Play Rate — 20.2%
  • Win Rate — 52.2%
  • Games Played — 600,784


  • Play Rate — 19.2%
  • Win Rate — 45.8%
  • Games Played — 37,833

Price — $0.72


Viking Longship

Combining multiple useful abilities in one, there is a clear preference and supporting win rate for this sweet set of wheels! . . . or, um. . . oars?

The jump in play rate in Mythic likely indicates that the ability to freely attack where needed is important enough to include in the current meta. This has inflated its value well beyond any other War Core rare, but I think $4.00+ will remain a stable price point until something better comes along or the meta shifts.


  • Play Rate — 28.4%
  • Win Rate — 53.4%
  • Games Played — 846,159


  • Play Rate — 64.6%
  • Win Rate — 51.6%
  • Games Played — 127,240

Price — $4.49


Warmonger Smith

Where Hector was the winningest winner in Mythic, this blacksmith forges wins on the regular.
Sitting cozy in 2nd for Mythic wins and 1st for standard wins, the play rates will likely continue to improve over time until something undermines his immense appeal. Nearly every kind of war deck features relics, and he only costs TWO mana!

His present value is more than double any other War Core epic, but I actually question whether or not this price is sustainable. Demand is currently at ~$24, but I suspect this will slowly decline as players acquire the copies they want and Core packs continue to roll out.


  • Play Rate — 16.7%
  • Win Rate — 55.2%
  • Games Played — 497,216


  • Play Rate — 67.5%
  • Win Rate — 54.5%
  • Games Played — 132,827

Price — $24.05

RANKINGS by Category


Play Rate
1stTavern Brawler39.2%1.48 Copies in Deck1,166,837 total matches
2ndBladecaster36.8%1.38 Copies in Deck1,097,366 total matches
3rdBlade of Styx33.9%1.41 Copies in Deck1,010,693 total matches
. . .
24thGrendel, Night Terror2.9%Unique85,029 total matches
25thSignal Scouts2.5%1.06 Copies in Deck73,325 total matches
26thAntimagic Wards1.1%1.1 Copies in Deck33,063 total matches
Win Rate
1stWarmonger Smith55.2%1.36 Copies in Deck497,216 total matches
2ndOrcish Elite54.1%1.33 Copies in Deck707,713 total matches
3rdBlade of Styx53.9%1.41 Copies in Deck1,010,693 total matches
. . .
24thReckoning48.6%1.11 Copies in Deck104,802 total matches
25thAres' Runeblade48.5%1.02 Copies in Deck114,568 total matches
26thAntimagic Wards45.9%1.1 Copies in Deck33,063 total matches
1stHector, Prince of Troy$29.49Legendary
2ndWarmonger Smith$24.05Epic
3rdGrendel, Night Terror$11.17Legendary
. . .
25thTartessian Skirmisher$0.39Common
26thAntimagic Wards$0.39Common


Play Rate
1stTavern Brawler87.3%1.48 Copies in Deck171,753 total matches
2ndBlade of Styx82.3%1.41 Copies in Deck162,087 total matches
3rdWarmonger Smith67.50%1.36 Copies in Deck132,827 total matches
. . .
24thMercenary Troop1.1%1.05 Copies in Deck2,114 total matches
25thSignal Scouts0.9%1.06 Copies in Deck1,783 total matches
26thAntimagic Wards0.2%1.1 Copies in Deck345 total matches
Win Rate
1stHector, Prince of Troy56.1%Unique43,415 total matches
2ndWarmonger Smith54.5%1.36 Copies in Deck132,827 total matches
3rdCarnage Sweep54.4%1.22 Copies in Deck44,975 total matches
. . .
24thBelligerent Warlock34.9%Unique4,372 total matches
25thAntimagic Wards34.2%1.1 Copies in Deck345 total matches
26thMercenary Troop33.5%1.05 Copies in Deck2,114 total matches


To summarize, Tavern Brawler and Blade of Styx stand out as go-to favorites among ALL War players. Orcish Elite enjoys success in standard play while Warmonger Smith and Hector, Prince of Troy stomp the yard at all levels of play. Carnage Sweep appears to be overlooked by standard players while Tartessian Skirmisher might be getting shortchanged in Mythic. Meanwhile, Antimagic Wards and Mercenary Troop are duds, but Ares' Runeblade might be getting an undeserved bad rap.

Until next time!

~ Ent


Images — https://market.x.immutable.com/
Data — https://cardsunchained.com/


Twitter — https://twitter.com/TheJungleBoy4

Mindblowingly amazing effort!

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Glad you enjoyed! There's a lot more where that came from, this week, so stay tuned ;P

Great work there dude, I really like War decks, this is sure helpful!! 😀

You bet! Thanks for taking the time to ready this short novel ;P

No problem man, good content is a pleasure to be read :)

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