We have more changes coming live soon! It has been only 6 weeks since the last balance but this time only 12 cards are being changed, 3 of which are Deception and I'm happy to see it 😁.
Hope you enjoy this short video and let me know what you think of these changes below 😉.
Follow me on Twitch for more live Gods Unchained 😉.
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I appreciate your take on the balance changes! Sounds like we are mainly in agreement. Hopefully, with deception toned down and a few of these other changes, a few new decks can pop up in the meta.
Today, just after I posted, I got "tortured" by deception. I personally never really like it because it's an odd God with annoying shenanigans, but now it feels so aggressive and overwhelming; I couldn't be happier for the nerf 😌
Weldone brother