GODS UNCHAINED: First Month Impression
Gods Unchained is a card game hosted on Immutable X and using the Ethereum Blockchain. I have long heard of this game several months ago but decided to focus first on Axie Infinity. It was also the time when I had little knowledge regarding blockchain in general. In summary, Gods Unchained is a very engaging and challenging game. It took me a week of getting trashed using starter decks until I was able to actually win a game. I had almost given up on this game if not for the fact that the game has high potential for earning while being a fun game. Sidenote: Some blockchain games are not fun. Games are supposed to be fun.

Playing Nature-Aggro
If you were to ask me a few weeks ago what I thought of Gods Unchained, I would have told you that "Gods Unchained is too hard. I would not recommend it." I mean it. This game made me frustrated due to the massive amount of keywords that did not make sense to me. The tutorial was severely lacking to onboard new players. But that opinion of mine did not last long.
VS Past Card Game I Have Played Before
Gods Unchained is completely different from Yu-Gi-Oh. Yu-Gi-Oh is a game that I have played for countless hours when I was younger. I thought that Gods Unchained would have a lot of similarities with Yu-Gi-Oh so it would be very easy for me to win matches. Oh I was very dead wrong. These are some new things that confused me when I was starting:
- A monster could actually directly attack a "god" even with a monster in my own field - This was before I had learned more about "Frontline".
- There is no "Magic/Trap Card Field" to set some cards - "Spell Cards" are actually used on the players' turn. I feel vulnerable without my trap cards!
- Mana - Yu-Gi-Oh did not have that concept at all.
- Cannot attack after placing a monster - How would I suppose to make use of my monsters then?!
- Monster damage to another monster does not damage life points?! Nani?!

See the difference with GU? Yu-gi-oh Tag Force 5 - PSP Game. source
Those confusing matters have led me to feel that Gods Unchained to be quite hard for me. But fear not, my greed for earning money unyielding spirit shall not give up! I went to the "Fountain of Knowledge" called YouTube to learn more about how to play the game!
Only after learning about "Aggro Playstyle" did I finally actually win a game. Only through swarming my opponent with monsters could I win! The god skill "Orfeo's Distraction" was also a very useful skill against "Frontline" skill which forces my monsters to attack my opponent's "Frontline" monster.
By being able to win strategically did I actually feel a surge of elation! "This game is actually fun!", I thought to myself. At that time, my impression of Gods Unchained had completely been rewritten. This is a fucking AMAZING game!
”Earnings” So Far

Gods Unchained is a free to play card game. Playing a match does not give some tokens that are tradable for fiat like SLP in Axie Infinity. However, there is a weekly event wherein players can “earn”. Weekend Rank allows players to earn card packs. After winning a certain amount of wins, it is possible to receive Divine Order packs. The cards included in these packs can be traded in the Immutable X platform or the Token Trove Platform. This month I was able to snag some Divine Order packs. The value of the cards though are not that big. But one cannot discount the future value of those cards. So far, I have a total of $9.47 worth of cards. Fortunately, I will be able to create a deck with the free packs from continuously playing the game. This means that I am not in a hurry to sell the cards that I am able to trade. But in the future, I might sell a card if I would not be using it for the purpose of completing my other decks.

Weekend Ranked Games Statistics
Amazing Game But…
So the game is impressive, is that the end of this post of mine? No! Aside from a good impression I had from this game, there are also some aspects which had annoyed me. More specifically, I am very annoyed with the transaction fees required to deposit ETH to purchase some cards! I really love and enjoy the game which makes me want to purchase some cards to improve my deck! But the staggering 100$+ gas fees to purchase a 5$ card is outright impossible for me~

Low gas fees at around 70$
Technically speaking, high transaction fees is not the fault of the game. But I wished there was a way to actually send some token/currency into Immutable X without the high fees. A great example for this would be Axie Infinity's Ronin to Binance network. Though it is not yet able to send ETH/WETH from Binance to Ronin, it is still able to trade my SLP for other currencies.
Sigh. Not being able to purchase some cards has greatly disappointed me. To be honest, I joined the game after seeing clickbait titles on youtube. Those thumbnails would indicate the amount of earning within a week which really tempted me. Having a fun game is also a big plus for me so I was willing to buy some cards. Sadly, I have to stay free-2-play for now.
Speaking of earnings, it has been a bit of a disappointment as well. I had won some card packs in a previous weekend ranked battle but the cards it contained only has a few cents worth of cards. How I wished I had joined the game earlier for the previous expensive cards.
Ending Notes
Though my post ended in a sad tone, I am actually quite happy with the game. Playing this game has been such a blast especially since it requires some skill to win a game. At the same time, it is possible to make a competitive deck without spending a big amount of money right at the very start! It would however take some time to get powerful cards that would synergize well with my decks. Plus, constantly playing weekend rank matches will reward me with card packs which may or may not give me a profitable/powerful card.
P.S. There are some keywords or terms that I have been using in this post. If you have questions, feel free to comment! In my next post, I will be writing about some tips for beginners wanting to join the game(No investment required).
P.S.2. Big thank you to BadbabaGu and CopperPitch in Youtube. I have learned a lot their videos.
If you wish to try the game go use this referral link of mine: Gods Unchained
Thank you sir!
Great post and writeup on Gods Unchained. The game hits a special place for me as it is the only NFT game that has gone the more traditional route that is in a state where you can actually earn anything. If you have the chance to try out Skyweavers, I'd love to see a compare and contrast post like you did to Yugi.
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Sorry for the late reply. Just check out skyweavers website and it looks amazing! I will check it out soon. Also thank you for reading. Glad that you enjoyed it :)
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