Aggro Light and its Downfall - Little Guides on how to beat the Meta Demon

in Gods On Chain3 years ago (edited)

In the following I will point out the strengths and weaknesses of Aggro Light, following with ideas for each God to counter it. Some Gods can do that in cheaper ways than others.
This should give players an Idea how to approach Aggro Light, what to mulligan for and which key cards should be hold for certain situations.

Aggro Light
Strengths: Their usually played supply of 10 1-Cost Cards are their main Force to win a game quickly after getting early board dominance. One "Heavy Hitter" in favor of Aggr Light are the minions which own the keyword "Protect", which negates the first source of damage being applied to them. After the first two to three turns, Light only plays support cards as “Sern, the Moderator” or “Prayer of the Desperate” and ”Radiant Dawn” which makes it really hard to come back against Light once they build their board.
Minor Strengths are the two "Transform"-Cards "Thaeric Extortionist" and "Lights Levy" and the ways to ONLY buff life.
Weaknesses: The Strength of Aggro Light is its Weakness at the same time, because there is no real comeback-Potential within the deck as soon as their first push and or their minions with "Protect" got destroyed. The really aggressive Mana Curve leads to heavy problems as soon as the Buff-spells cannot find multiple targets.
Keycards played in most decks: “Sern, the Moderator”, “Prayer of the Desperate”, “Asterius, Glittering One”, “Empyrean Pacifist” and “Homeguard Protector”

Your options:

Possible Archetypes: Aggro Nature (AN), Midrange Nature (MN)
Strengths: Nature can work with the same Aggressive Mana Curve as Light but has a big advantage because of the Keyword "Regen". Also the Cards with Blitz (“Faeflame Blade”, “Underbrush Boar”, “Dagan, the Dawn Wolf” etc.) and the Buff Spell Wildfire will lead into huge problems for Light when played on curve. Nature is also able to play Creatures with 3 Attack early in the Game like "Black Jaguar" and "Underbrush Boar", which cant be targeted by any transform cards of Light.
The minor Strengths of Nature over Light is definitely the card "Lightning Strike" to be able to remove either Sern and/or Asterius out of the way and the two Attack buff cards "Howler" and "Satyr" which negate the Health Buff minions of Light.
Weaknesses: The biggest problem isn't the fact that “Marshwalker” is in love with the transform spells of light or the Keyword "Confused" on most of the creatures which will make it hard to accurately trade the enemy minions. It's the Cost of the biggest "Lightkillers" with “Dagan, the Dawn Wolf”, “Chiron, the Teacher” and the “Underbrush Boar”’s which are relatively expensive in comparison to Lightcards (exception Sern and Asterius) or other nature cards in the deck.
Mulligan Strategy going first:
1 Cost: Marshwalker, Pyreshell Beetle, Frisky Fox Pub
2 mana: Underbrush boar, Black Jaguar, Faeflame blade.
Mulligan Strategy going second:
1 Cost: Frisky Fox Pub, Marshwalker, Low-Hangin Fruit
2 Cost: Iron-tooth Goblin, Underbrush boar, Faeflame Blade
My Rating AN against Light: ★★★★☆
My Rating AN overall in the Meta: ★★★★☆
My Rating MN against Light: ★★★★★
My Rating MN overall in the Meta: ★★★★☆
MN-Deckcode by B4ller1na:

Dagan, The Dawn Wolf

Possible Archetypes: Zombie Control (ZC), Heirloom Death (HR)
Strengths: "Sulfuric Rain" and "Ragnarok" are able to deny every kind of Buff for the opponent if played in combination with "Siren of the Grave". The fact that the removals (“Blight Bomb”, “Eva, Baroness of the Dead”, “Curse of Greed” and “Dust to Dust”) of Death don't care about “Protected” Minions is also a minor Strength as well as the ways to heal up again in ZC.
The most popular archetype might still be HR.
ZC: Playing with the God Power "Blood Ritual" and not "Soul Burn" which would be normal for Zombie Death, allows us to eat minions through “Protect” and heal itself for a minor bit. It also makes the part of Controlling the board easier because its not necessary anymore to sacrifice even more Zombies.
Heirloom Death: I guess it doesn't need an explanation here, because the deck runs by its own, no matter which opponent.
Weaknesses: The biggest weakness of ZC is at once the 1 Durability on “Necroscepter”, which is an easy target for the 1-2 Relic-Removal in the Lights Arsenal (“Iron-tooth Goblin” and Vesper of Concession) and at second the 1 Attack of the "Cursed Obelisks", which makes it very vulnerable to the 2 different Transform cards that Light could run.
Heirloom Death's Fear should be the 2 "Gleamweaver"'s which are lurking in almost every deck nowadays, which makes it worse than ZC in my opinion.
Mulligan Strategy going first (ZC):
Necroscepter, 2 mana 4/3 and 1 Removal
Mulligan Strategy going second (ZC):
Vanguard axewoman, 2 Mana 4/3, Removal, Necroscepter
My Rating ZC against Light: ★★★★☆
My Rating ZC overall in the Meta: ★★★☆☆
ZC-Deckcode by B4ller1na:
My Rating HR against Light: ★★★☆☆
My Rating HR overall in the Meta: ★★★★☆
HR-Deckcode by B4ller1na:

Neferu, Champion of Death

Possible Archetypes: Hidden Rush Deception (HRD), Control Deception (CD)
Strengths: "Hidden" is one of the strongest keywords against Light as well as the Attack Reducers which can be played in both archetypes. “Armored Lurker” is one of the best cards in the early game against light on turn 1 or 2 because you can get free trades with it through the armor.
HRD is capable of dealing lethal damage by turn 4, way quicker than Light could ever do that.
CD on the other hand is perfectly able to use the resources that Light provides against its own minions with cards like "Umber Arrow" and "Bound by its Will". Latest on 6 Mana, preferably on 5.5 Mana Light will suffer through the usage of “Rapture Dance”.
Weaknesses: The biggest problem of HRD is its consistency with creating lethal threats. So often enough it goes into a midrange against midrange fight which can turn into both directions. A position that seems to be won already can be turned around by one card or one missed card and vice versa.
The sad truth of Control Death is that the sleep it can provide with multiple cards will not stop Light long enough to win a Game just by itself. Its necessary to have a very precise play and knowledge about the capacity of the own deck and what it can defend itself against. The additional part is that it's really expensive to play it.
Mulligan Strategy going first (HRD):
“Merrick, Keeper of the Many”, ”Armor Lurker”, “Switch Duelist”
Mulligan Strategy going second (HRD):
“Switch Duelist”, “Beguiling Blade”, “Bound by her Will”, “Makeshift Shiv”
Mulligan Strategy going first (CD):
“Patient Pickpocket”, Stoneskin Poison”, Umber Arrow”
Mulligan Strategy going second (CD):
“Armor Lurker”, “Blade Borrower”, “Lethargy Mage”, “Bound by Her Will”
My Rating HRD against Light: ★★★★★
My Rating HRD overall in the Meta: ★★★★☆
HRD-Deckcode by ????:
My Rating CD against Light: ★★★☆☆
My Rating CD overall in the Meta: ★★★★☆
CD-Deckcode by B4ller1na:

Armor Lurker

Possible Archetypes: Ramp Magic (RM), Control Magic (CM)
Strengths: The biggest Strength in RM is clearly in the name itself. The early Ramp can give you quicker access to cards like "Shaped Blast" or combinations of "Tracking Bolt" and a "Spell-damage" Minion. In RM its not a rare case, especially when you go first to be able to play a "Labyrinth Guard" on turn 4 with the enemy having no answer to it at all.
Control Mage has a huge arsenal of spells to remove boards, going from "Shaped Blast" and "Faraday Cage" to "Blizzard Bolt" and "Unbound Flames". The last big Strength counts for both decks. Its the Ability to draw cards and refill your hand very easily having a way higher amount of Card supply available in comparison to the enemy Light player.
Weaknesses: Though the plans for RM is pretty obvious and pretty easy to play, its a rather risky thing because there are at most 6 Cards that can be put into the Deck actually ramping you up. Each 2 Copies of "Sip of the Elixier", "Mana Toad", "Crystal-Tech Scholar", but the "Mana Toad" is usually not played due to his inconsistency.
Looking now for the Weaknesses for CM its obvious that CM will always have a problem with "Protect". Each of the very cheap protected minions from Light needs a "Mage Bolt(God Power)" or another Spell to counter the shield.
Furthermore the "Leyhoard Hatchling"'s in hand are only above average in theirr Value in turn 4 to 6. Drawing them in the starting hand might not be a good thing because your God takes a lot of early Damage from Light, while drawing them too late lets them be there for 6 mana or more, which hurts at least me to play them at this high mana cost.
Mulligan Strategy going first (RM):
Sil of the Elexir, Crystaltech Scholar, Pallas Wand/Metamorphosis
Mulligan Strategy going second (RM):
Sip of the Elixir, Crystaltech Scholar, Unannounced Arrival, Tracking Blizzard Bolt
Mulligan Strategy going first (CM):
Lightning Talisman, Safeguard Incantation, Blizzard Bolt
Mulligan Strategy going second (CM):
Crystaltech Scholar, Safeguard Incantation, Lightning Talisman
My Rating RM against Light: ★★★☆☆
My Rating RM overall in the Meta: ★★★☆☆
RM_Deckcode by B4ller1na:
My Rating CM against Light: ★★★★☆
My Rating CM overall in the Meta: ★★★☆☆
CM-Deckcode by B4ller1na:

Demtrios, Playwright

Possible Archetypes: Relic War (RW), Control/Favor War (CF)
Strengths: The biggest Strength of RW is the fact that its kind of an OTK Deck, being able to built the weapon up to 22 or even higher Attack over multiple turns. The really high damage output is always a threat because Light is usually not playing any "Frontline" creatures to prevent War from going face.
CF is also declared as an OTK Deck because it kills the opponent with one or two cards in combination and there are, if the game goes on long enough, no ways for Light to prevent it from happening. The fact that Light relies on playing many small Minions are in the eyes of a CF player just ways to get even more favor to win quicker.
Weaknesses: Because RW is relying only on Relics, even though it plays about six of them, it's very vulnerable for Relic Removals. If that isn't bad enough already, besides "Carnage Sweep" and some "Blitz" Minions, there are no tools to control what Light is doing. It's always a possibility that Light will kill you before you can play your weapon to kill him.
It's not really a weakness of playing CF but rather more an annoying thing to play against "Protect"ed Minions. The bigger weakness is that CF doesn't have many outs in his deck if Light got the chance to buff his minions once or even twice.
Mulligan Strategy going first (RW):
“I need a Weapon”, “Tavern Brawler”, “Vanguard Axewoman”
Mulligan Strategy going second (RW):
“I need a Weapon”, “Mobilized”, “Unrestrained Power”, “Encumbered Looter”
Mulligan Strategy going first (CF):
“Valka’s Captain”, “Tavern Brawler”, “Out of its Misery”
Mulligan Strategy going second (CF):
“Vanguard Axewoman”, “Tavern Brawler”, “Wolf-Cult Vanguard”
My Rating RW against Light: ★★★★☆
My Rating RW overall in the Meta: ★★★★☆
RW-Deckcode by M7sn:
My Rating CF against Light: ★★★☆☆
My Rating CF overall in the Meta: ★★★☆☆
CF-Deckcode by B4ller1na:

Gods Unchained

Possible Archetypes: Aggro Light (AL) Control Light (CL)
Strengths: I am really sorry to say this now. I will not ** give any advice on how to play AL more efficiently. It's a pretty straight forward deck and this is a guide against and not for AL.
CL has its biggest strength in the Keyword "
Order" which it can give to the enemies either in single targets or as a big AoE as soon as AL buffed his board. After clearing the board with "Lysander's Mercy**", CL is able to go "infinite" with the two card combo of "Radiant Embalmer" and "Inescapable Duty". That's a circle aggro light will not be able to break as soon as it falls behind.
Weaknesses: Many Cards in the arsenal of CL are very expensive, so it's really tested for its survivability in some cases. Other than that, there are no obvious downsides to the deck itself but maybe to the "Real Life"-cost of the Deck, same as in CN or ZD. You just simply shouldn't play this deck if you want to rank up quickly or don't have a lot of time because each match has a normal playtime of around 20 Turns/30-40 Minutes when it's played out completely.
Mulligan Strategy going first (CL):
“Thaeric Extortionist”/”Lights Levy”, “Eucos in Eclipse”, “Radiant Embalmer”
Mulligan Strategy going second (CL):
“Thaeric Extortionist”/”Lights Levy”, “Eucos in Eclipse”, “Radiant Embalmer”, “Sern, The Moderator”
My Rating AL against Light: ★★☆☆☆
My Rating AL overall in the Meta: ★★★☆☆
Theres no Deckcode here. Dont want to support that. ^^
My Rating CL against Light: ★★★★★
My Rating CL overall in the Meta: ★★★★☆
CL-Deckcode by B4ller1na:

Sern, The Moderator

If you want to be on the safe side of having a high chance to win, you should play the longer control decks like CL, CD or MN.
Having cards like Demogorgon in all Control decks is always a helpful tool, i didn't include expensive cards like that into the guide because not everyone is able to play them, Neferu or any of the other overly pricy cards that every player would love to have and play.
I hope you all could get some understanding of what to play and can use the Mulligan ideas i layed down. For further questions or feedback you can hit me up on discord at B4ller1na#1929, as well as on Twitter . Or find me streaming at to give me specific Deck ideas of yours to let me check on them for this topic or for the current Meta situation.


good work!

Very nice and helpful post. :)

Could you add some deckstrings for the suggested decks?

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Thank you for this post. This is very helpful but not only for the beginners. :)

What's ""Living Statue" on turn 4"? Can't find such a card.

I meant "Labyrinth Guard" XD Thank you letting me know i skipped a namereplacer