Magic Missile Launcher needs to be in a tier of its own 😂 It's really busted, you pay 1 more mana to deal an extra 2 + 2 damage, and you get to heal. The worst thing about it is how inaccessible it is in terms of cost and there not being any close replacements at all. I've only ever seen it backfire once when I played a relic removal card, but other than that it's just way too hard to deal with. Styx, on the other hand, is great but nowhere near the power level of MML IMO 😂
Your point on MML being on its own tier makes sense. I've gathered some opinions on that and people seem to agree with you as well. And for the Blade of Styx, as an Aggro War player, I might be a little biased to put it in tier S too, haha! Thanks for your comments.