IMO reaching Mythic isn't something that you jump for joy for because you know there are de-rankers during the week, plus Weekend Ranked becomes harder. Also, since Mythic ELO resets every week, there's really no point in grinding past Mythic after the weekend. Definitely would want to see the GU team putting some effort to address this long-standing issue.
Actually, I do think the meta is decent as of now since most factions' meta decks hover around the 50-55% WR range at the top levels (other than BWD at ~60% which is just P2W, but I don't really hate it). Just need a new faction and the core set refresh to spice things up a bit; one expansion a year is really gonna bore many people.
I achieved mythic on the weekend, as I play my 60 games for the week during the weekend event. Yes, the GU team does have to take accountability for competitive integrity, as it is just an underwhelming experience to reach the pinnacle of the game. I hope the Core set refresh shakes up the meta; thank you, Kephy XD.