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RE: Light's Verdict Buyer's Guide

in Gods On Chain2 years ago

I think we're in a similar boat (just different scales). I'll be watching the secondary market for the first day or two. If by some miracle packs are economical, I'll pick some up. Even if it's just close, I'll probably grab some to support the devs (and a tiny bit of gambling is fun). Ultimately, I'm just too risk-averse to roll the dice on a big stack, though.

One card I won't be buying (not even secondary market): the blade. It needs nerfed. I remember Dralamar selling for $300 when it was similarly busted. After nerfs, it's now $3. I know core vs LV will make a difference on the final price, but it will (should?) come way down.

Thanks for the guide!


Good points! I do want to do a little gambling and get that Omox (for real this time!)