Sorry to see you had such a frustrating weekend, but glad you aren't discouraged. I agree with you on Assassin's Aim and Handsome Devil, but I've really enjoyed Surprise Delivery.
If you've already lost to light (i.e. their board is full), Surprise Delivery won't save you. That's true enough; however, it can and often does clog up their board. I do think it's important to run Rapture Dance to compliment the barrels though. Even without the barrels, this meta is screaming for 2x rapture dance. The dominant aggro light lists aren't running Serene Blade or too much ward.
Lastly, if you have it, I'd recommend dropping Fae in favor of the Hollow. Fae shines in an order-focused deck. Without other cards losing order consistently, it's pretty bad. 5 mana deal 3 damage. If it isn't killed, you then "get" to pay 4 mana to deal three and have a 3/4 creature.
I think I was too fixated on ending the game early that I didn't think that Rapture Dance would be good enough to include, but I do think you have a good point there. Not quite enough if you lose board control early, but probably essential especially if the deck leans more towards a more midrange style rather than just going face each turn.
Haha, I'm not too sure why I kept Fae in; objectively it's not as good as other options, but I've ended a few games due to its instant 3 damage more than once so it did leave a stronger impression on me. Thanks for the input, appreciate it!