After continued play, I'm finding I have a decent shot at 4/5 mana even if behind on board. Obviously, board is preferred, but I'm winning more than I'm losing. If you have HBKs to swap in, I imagine it gets nuts.
In other news, I just went up against control magic and beat him right before 9 mana. Just straight up out-valued. Climbed over both his 4/8/1 Labyrinth Guards. Parthene Proscenium is a beast, but my entire board was like a giant factory pumping out stats. Wish I had recorded that one.
Interesting, on first glance it looks like you'd lose if you lost board. I'll have to try it out sometime.
Light has tons of good 4 drops: HBK, MoI, Holy Enchanter, Smite, Gentle Monk, and etc. Any reason you're not running them or what would you swap out.
Also both martyr and pacifist fill the same role as a creature that's bad by itself and really wants to be played with other creatures. Do you find yourself bricking on running both of them?
Re: pacifist + blind martyr. I'm generally happy seeing either of them in my starting hand. When going first, I'm happy to see them both. Going second not so much. Serene Blade really changes the calculus for a lot of light cards. Pacifist hits the board 2/2 warded. It's no longer relegated only to hoping for an early game snowball.
Of course, with the just-announced light buffs, there are probably some swaps needed. I just don't want to bring the deck back to coinflip zoo light. I'm also curious about all the ward now that mage is nerfed. Ward is still extremely helpful against nature and deception. No more dreading 6 mana.