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RE: Weekend Ranked Stats, Death creeping back into the Meta (64% WR)

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

I like where your head is at re: meta shifts and what's being played, but know that your 25 games are a really small sample. For a clearer picture, check out

On your War deck: if you have 2x Guild Enforcers, definitely run them. Drop your reckonings. You've got 4 relics (and they aren't win conditions), trust in the probabilities, and they will show up pretty regularly on their own.

Nature Deck: (ditto guild enforcers). Your Vinebound Jotun is pretty lonely out there at 8 mana. If you want your games to reach 8 mana, you need a 7-mana play and probably shift a few of your 1-2 mana cards to 3-4. You want your mana curve to be pretty smooth.

Magic: Much better curve! Solid gameplan. I only question the Time-Bombs. After their last nerf, I think you've got better options. Overall, though, nice deck.