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RE: Trying new Aggro Nature for the first time!

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

Nice write up! Nature has so many good cards, it's not the end of the world if you don't have the absolute best. I do love Jag Staffs.

I particularly like your inclusion of Sudden Bloom. You already have 7 (!) board buff cards to reward yourself if you get wide, but SB gives you a win condition even if you only have 1 creature in play. You also have enough non-confused creatures to make it workable. My only concern is that you might want to scale back your board buffs to 5 or so and get some 4+ HP creatures in the deck. Rabid Bears come to mind.

Anyway, nice job!


Thank for the comment ill definitely try adding more tanky mid game creature and see how it goes thanks for the advice!