That's a meme deck? No. This is a meme deck. Onslaught 2.0

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

This deck is now 1/1, which is a 100% win rating. Do you miss yawnslaught? Do you like utter tomfoolery? Do you like 100% win ratings? Then this is for you (maybe not that last part).


Deck Code:

The Gimmick

It's Blitz Baby. Particularly that first one.


You have a hand full of battlemages, deadly creatures, leechers, whatever. Hell even Guild Enforcers. Sound the Charge gives them +1 strength and they come out swinging. It's like the old Onslaught god power, but even better assuming you have at least 2 creatures in hand.

Example Hijinx

board clear.png

Here's how this went down:

  1. Play Trojan Battlemage and take out 3/4 Marine.
  2. Face with Enduring Shield
  3. Trojan Battlemage takes out 2/4 Skeleton Heavy
  4. Grab Rune of Fire from sanctum to take out 1/3 Trial Spirit to assert dominance

Image what Mr. Foursquares must be thinking. "What kind of bullsh*ttery is this?!" If he wasn't already deck peeking, you know he did then. Imagine his confusion/horror at seeing this list.

Kept his board clear and stalled (as is the yawnslaught fashion) until I was able to Sole Survivor a little Tavern Brawler. Wiped his board again and then went face. A few GPs finished it.

Really wish the Tenderizer had shown up. 16 damage to the face would have been hilarious.

Chieftan of Impulse

The Big Chief. The dream is to get him on board backed up with deadly creatures in hand. The OG players will have full PTSD at that point.

My Fear/Hope

I hope this deck is meme/bad enough to not become a real thing. I'm pretty confident, but my fear is that one of you will make this work. Barring that, I hope you find this deck hilarious to play.


Lol for whatever reason reading this I am reminded of the world of warcraft trading card game and LERROYYYYYYY JENKINS and his rush ability coming out swinging. Trojan battlemage is such a strong card I mean most cheap twin strike cards I like.

Oh no, not this again.
Wait, I'm a War player and loved playing Onslaught.
I will try this! Hahaha

Great find and awesome deck. How has it performed for you so far?

Going to keep playing with it for the luls, but it's definitely not for weekend ranked. Who knows, though. Maybe it can be optimized further and become decent.

Nice one bro, war is always strong, yet effective and cheap.


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