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RE: Hidden Rush Deception: My Only Success Story

in Gods On Chainlast year (edited)

Stormshroud is most likely not making the cut. The deck can't afford running too many spells. You rarely have more than 1 guy worth hiding so Stealth gp covers you most of the time. Funny you can the deck optimized, maybe I've just played it so often I just autopilot and watch Youtube but the deck has a lot of flexibility in building. Although you could say that for most aggro decks since they're mostly piles of good aggressive cards.

The deck is slightly? favored against dragon control war since they usually cut the frontlines PW and martyr to fit in the dragons but they do have 1 more aoe in reckles dive. I think atlants is a coinflip, they play like aggro light but have creatures that trade better than it, and sometimes you can race but Fran can hose you.


Yea atlant magic is just better than aggro light in every way. None of my decks are +WR against it. Aggro war is maybe closest but needs to go first.