![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23uQpHTuw5rdEM2HSAwFpznsi76kUsuR7nRVk5DwxgH8as3P5JM9qL9ymF2Uk3uSwEE2Z.png) | A Foresee control component. Not really sure what I want to be foreseeing in an Atlantean deck but okay. Axewoman replacement can not be bad. | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23wMVxv6xCYx7cfU4W8M3jFYxoDkjbDamoUkQoYwT8YHCgTdxknDAGSzzLjBZNnhYiCMC.png) | This is a good card severely hampered by the fact that few of Atlantean creatures are really great. I can think of Echophon with which it would be kind of good, and of course project R.I.S.E. and Sampler Archive. I guess Enduring Archive, Unshackled Archive, Manastarved Construct, Gigamonte and Undercity Sentry are the options. Also can't forget about Avalanche Watcher. This is more of a midrange and control card then aggro card. | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23tvgXc1VeauqMEF3j2RoPVyC8c5fQtKi3t9JWnpBQPQ5JS1zDnM26dyABEDRYm7bt3Wr.png) | This is actually a Lost in the Depths combo card. Wouldn't have any use in non-combo decks as it will just discard the randomly drawn spell. | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23tvgEcVo8TSEUewBrS7sa6k3644Hwv62c5Xx9sJVN92roph3wAz689o2CXnXfigMvb2B.png) | This is an almost decent aggro Atlanteans card. Removal and board presence in one. Also can burn face. | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23uFViF9YpArxvuv24RGFBF9NNa43J56Aw72wcKB8TB6j2Nkns2NbXVzZ3en3xVvUmZpC.png) | This is a conditional aggro removal card. I think it's better then Arrow of Rage by far but I'm still marking it as bad, because aggro Atlanteans are generally bad. | BAD |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23vsNU2ys11RTkHUVHfvtr4vV3WTJLRoPCVaTfVwaaNNH6nzSewksKxZkXzXmhtVVAK2C.png) | This is a fine aggro Atlanteans card, no complaints. Though maybe buff it to "draw a topmost Atlantean from the deck". | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23vsLd3u49Lr7484mPXdyCTGRSQU5X9A5gkRtqqMLgELgu4psFnri1LsFEM5BnK87oPF4.png) | Draw maximum three creatures for three mana. Similar to Librarian's Prayer foresee six. This card is technically good. | GOOD |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23vsNPbuqJsihmQbarUyJuaBwvqqD1QNMc6LhpDzLic3X3CNKeQSiFtr4nBVJACovdyaS.png) | Alright so this is supposed to be a combo piece with Francesca. It's inconvenient that it fills the board so you have to ping off one of the 1/1 Atlanteans, should be changed to 5 of 1/1s to be playable. And then after Francesca, casting also zero-mana Crystaltechnics on R.I.S.E. creates an OTK. Ramp and mana cost reduction are a must. Not the best combo in the game. | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23uQpZsnmW189A4oXkDBRLUyvmo7cPjdb2ZGX958j9Mq6a9x8ddzrMsyBJ2kTr9qxoz27.png) | Snowshaper Pallas? Who is that loser, never heard about him. I'm going to get two Shadow versions of this, maybe Gold. This can attack when on board and costs half as much mana. | AMAZING |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23u65PyUtgQFaiApjWxsJNnXBXnVyUVphvr3Yd1zo1YoXU46iN6Zgj5nPDQGXVmMMQHWA.png) | Assuming this is useless for creatures with Roar, but works with activated Manasurge keyword if the target was Tinkered, which should be tested out in practice to be sure, that makes Tinkered Sampler Archive, Tinkered Replicator Alpha, Atlant Glider, Enduring Archive, Time Bomb, Tinkered R.I.S.E and Echophon viable targets for this card. Most other creatures are not synergetic. I'd suggest adding a Foresee 1 to this card's text. | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23uFRhTUudzPYzKagdPVeaNYVaq9xA7v4vacfmYhFbHEmXRrTe1q33rDf4BRSBuBrrB4k.png) | I guess the card is fine and standard for an all-Atlanteans aggro list. A bit underwhelming for an epic. Maybe remove the condition or just change the text to "draw a spell when played". | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23wC7mbn2mRUaoFA9ywK54CwyXQ6FHMse2xd5DJPEemXZ6vbuwQxSS7Qijt5JF8UnDVJP.png) | This card is meant to be important for Magic domain this set. It's not that great in absolute terms, pretty much in line with existing buff cards for other domains. It's the same as Empire Reborn in mana cost. Not an outstanding card, and synergizes almost only with Tides of Fate cards, but it's own value is strong. | GOOD |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23uFRq9BAhLthiizsnP38D18jpy5Shg4Ry5B3p2wh5tm3oGB4oVPx585M87B4CD68XJTn.png) | The card is okay for an all-Atlanteans list. A little like Cunning Challenger of War domain. | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23tmHzt36kx9bL185Z1pvMF5mUmttci7tBtZtKxR4HPdkz49YGtj63Y4EbNT8PuMPvyrH.png) | I think this card will almost never work as an aggro strategy, the creatures will be removed earlier. The nerfing of Phase Touched Golem was a heavy blow to Atlantean aggro power. However in a control or combo deck build around this, Francesca may very well be a wincon. | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/EoCiA7igiQ4es4bBYGufqXTQ2D85WmeoAr17DhqpirqnEnvUruYDLhcp32osQNDMYh9.png) | | UNRANKED |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23uFTh8ieMMFoEEet5sFQgtq3VWAwhw6ogemfuHMRSn52WNi1ycbWdS1CCvgRRoRpn6FF.png) | This being a relic is a downer. Mana reduction effect is strong, but do we need it in an Atlantean heavy deck? Reduce Crystaltechnics when casting a Future Industries for the combo? There are better cards for that. What is it going to be used on? Lack of wincon for this strategy gives it a bad rating, almost the same as The Academy of Mystic Arts. | BAD |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23uFTZMKTGdkupwCLn8TqB2i9KcrhhQPAhGm4Za8xrHRshH616f9F7ZtvW3cxkfb6uqTH.png) | Maybe it's just because I wanted to improve my spell heavy burn deck for a while with something like this, but this card is getting a high mark. There's a lot of potential in this kind of mana cost reduction. | GOOD |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23w2igcQQCFSQZVJnsxapyhZ8gpaW1MEhFGVysv9YJ86Roy7cYM864DiLVKfkUSAw2ajd.png) | So this is effectively a 4/7 in all-Atlantean deck. And foresee five. Nothing to complain about, except for the fact that zoo midrange decks are just not going to be meta. And you can get bigger stats with Olympians. | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23vhwVhLVyZ94581AMN1tftPzKXk2c3KL3nvEMhC1f8itgLbMF97T3Kw6YKuHDrrqyuR7.png) | The card is decent statwise but no more then that. And I don't think midrange is going to be a thing in this game anytime soon. This one though if Tinkered can get 3 armour and ten strength. Better then Snapping Turtle haha! | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23uQridW9zuPHimGCWGxbLVD6YojEU1zhi3eQ3jKTjNPxciJ1jSJ8mbfN3VEJdkusqEVm.png) | This card would get removed from the board unless combined with Tinker Tinker in preparation for Francesca and R.I.S.E for the next turn. Even then it may not work, but it could get some damage in before failing, assuming that it takes more then one turn to completely clean the board. On the other thought, the opponent has to have very specific cards to remove this thing properly, so treating it as GOOD is very warranted, but only until the meta shifts. | OKAY/GOOD |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23uQpMirfCpuwxLGyZTWNUycF6KZRW1kTt5e2XjadyVgFU8cSYk33b8q9qjJn9ADW5tJq.png) | Uh, I guess it is good that magic is getting some beefy bodies it was always lacking. But comeon, this card will not really see much play. | BAD |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23u63LvoWDZjHd6ta9brc8SX3GcEPFvz8rAV4MVvZgkAUZdno2atYxcEEDgtvEsZj9AFL.png) | Not a bad idea for a card, except, the problem is at the moment there do not exist very strong Magic spells with high mana cost, bar possibly Arcane Burst. Still this is probably better then Scholar of Power. | OKAY |
![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/monsieurop/23uQpeiUiT93KhacqVdAC7xXo9x5TYbFvmSENVZwZYvPS4PCaL3kBTT8m1rBF3QQHwVMk.png) | Control Burn Magic was already strong, with this it will be much stronger still. Goes well with Zaskia, ramp and mana reduction shenanigans. Best Magic card of the set by far and my favourite. | AMAZING |
I also love this review much like the first one that you did about Nature. I am waiting for the next one.
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