New balance patch is here, and brings a murder, a new super sayan and a terrible beatdown!

in Gods On Chain2 years ago

A new balance patch was announced this week.

Felt a bit underwhelming to be honest, was expecting more and better changes, specially buffs on epic and legendary cards.

There were 3 cards that caught my eye, the rest are ok changes, don't think will make a big difference in the meta.

The murder


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This one went from a 4 health to 1 health, without changing the mana cost this is a murder, don't take me wrong the card needed a nerf, but not like this, feels a lot like prayer and singsong satyr nerfs, removing those cards completely from the game.

Faithbreaker is unplayable like this, dies to most spells and the only way to "work" is if you are already winning, most likely you won't need it.

Fickle Cambion is a better alternative now

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Making Faithbreaker a 1/2 creature, with pip 3/4, plus another 1 or 2 creatures in the board 4/5 or 5/6 would have been much better,

Still dies to most spells, doesn't die for hunting trap right away and would still be playable

As is, is just one of many core cards killed in the latest patchs.

New Super Sayan

White Fur Guard

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Ok, this one feels like someone dropped the ball hard, this just became one of the best War cards I have seen in a while.

No one is going to play it on mana 4, but always on mana 5, can even be played 1 turn earlier if combined with Garron.

This one is what I would call a Raid Reveller on steroids, for 2 mana more you get not only +2/+2 but a frontline

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I really hope this card gets nerfed soon, removing the frontline would be a fair trade.
Or make it a mana 5 already with protected + empower 1 to get frontline

Terrible Beatdown

Moramag, Bane of Black Isle

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Oh boy, again, not saying that Moramag didn't needed to be nerfed or changed, but, oh boy!

This nerf is the ultimate blow in control magic, after this control magic, one of the cheapest decks and easy ones for new players is unplayable, first was Ekrileth, now Moramag and Flame, GU just missed Crystaltech to end once and for all with Control Magic.

I am not saying the card got killed, I still see use for it, specially in sleep deception.

Apart from that I don't see any use for it, this is a legendary card, shouldn't be nerfed like this in my opinion, legendary cards are unique, we can only add 1 copy, they should be above average cards.

Moramag is a big mana card and hard to setup, maybe those that wanted the nerf don't realize how hard if they don't play with it. Very often you need to sacrifice health to make sure you get to those 9 cards, other times is just a dead card in your hand.

Against agro decks is most likely not going to be played.

There were so many ways to go around this nerf.

Delve between dealing 8 damage to face or 8 damage to all creatures in the board.

My favorite would be to make it a better version of Circe

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At mana 8 with the the setup of 9 cards needed, Roar 5 damage to all enemy characters, but no foresee seems something fair and change Moramag's stats to 5/5

It would be a nerf, but wouldn't hurt so much and Magic would still play it.


Nothing to specially in this balance apart from those 3 cards, GU is trying to shuffle things up, war got some love (maybe too much), I expect to see more Mid and Control War in our future.

Control Magic needs to go back to the drawing board, maybe there is a way to play it, but I believe OTK decks and CDM are a lot better options than Control Magic, unfortunately those decks can be expensive.

Feels bad for the little guy that is mostly playing F2P or budget decks, core cards keep getting killed and joining the big cemetery.

I really hope GU changes direction and goes back to F2P, lately seems to be more of a P2W game.


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I think White Fur Guard is probably good, but probably not OP/Super Sayan 😄. A 4/5 stat line is much preferred - especially on defense-oriented frontliners.

I do agree that LV has made the game feel more P2W. I paid to have 2x blades before they exploded, but they are in most of my decks. There are only a few decks that arguably don't benefit from them or can get by without them (CDM and combo magic come to mind).

BUT I mentioned in my article: buffing these 4 and 5 drops is an indirect nerf to Blade. Alternatives to Guild Enforcer that can't be "Bladed" will start to find their way into more decks.

Makes sense, but feels bad they created a problem and now need to go around it, but like you said in your post they know future cards we don't. Maybe this is part of a bigger plan 😆

I am thinking on White Fur more on Agro decks than control tbh.

The thing is War going first is a pain already, by the time you get to 5 mana and drop this will be hard to remove it imo, if it sticks in the board and soul survivor next or give it any other big buff is most likely gg. On other hand almost F2P war is a thing at least.

I would love to see epic cards from MJ being cared as such, feels bad Rare cards are better and common cards getting those big buffs

I also felt that his card is murdered...

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