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RE: Mythic - Almost F2P Series ($20 or below decks) - Deception (Steal/Control)

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

Thank you!

I didn't count the price of core cards since I can get those for free, that was the only reason, I was going to call it $50 at the beginning, but didn't seemed right, since with some grind and luck on the packs you get, you can build the core set without spending a penny.

I always heard people referring to welcome and core sets as F2P sets, but is just the way I approached this when writing.

At least I haven't bought any of the core cards myself and have most of them already, missing legendaries mostly, fortunately have 2 Ekrileth already to mint 1.

In any case next time I will refer both prices to not mislead anyone, full price with core cards and only expansion sets.

Thank you once again for the feedback.


Welcome is 100% F2P because everyone gets those for Free, but Core isn't and there's some Core cards that costs more than expansion ones.

I have to disagree there. If I am not paying is free.

The question is, if you want to put the time or the money in the game.

I have 2 plain Ekrileth from packs, so is a free Ekrileth in my book.

Also, I have almost all core cards, missing about 10, mostly legendaries, I could buy them, but I will rather put in the time, keep grinding, trying to get good results on Weekend Ranked, so I can get those for free, but if I want them for today then yes I will need to pay for it.

Well, if you put it that way, then any new expansion card is free as well because you can get them for free from weekend ranked packs that you win.

You can be 100% F2P, but core will keep showing up, expansion sets are closed at some point. No matter when you joined you can get core cards, but you can't get any of the previous expansions for free anymore