Would you keep the Enchanted Chariots if the PTR changes get implemented? Where it becomes a 4 mana 3/3 draw a structure?
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Would you keep the Enchanted Chariots if the PTR changes get implemented? Where it becomes a 4 mana 3/3 draw a structure?
This is a great question! I have been thinking about it: it does enable drawing specific structures if you build your deck around that, but this deck plays a bunch of random structures. I think for this deck specifically it would be a nerf, as the pings are very nice along with the structure tag. The changes are not going live for another month though, and I am sure someone smarter than I will have made the appropriate changes to this deck by then:)
Makes sense, a couple of more questions:
Is Wyrmbreath not enough to make it to your deck? It doesn't draw a card like Epiphany but with enough Spell Boost, you don't even need to reduce their cost to play two in one turn; also more emergency removal if needed
What are some upgrades you would make to this deck if you had the ETH/GODS?
I have been considering this too: the five damage earlier would often be quite useful, but I find that this deck does not have too many issues dealing with single creatures as we have Ratify, Epiphany, etc. Wyrmbreath does give us some more damage from our hand, potentially 10 more, but its hard to say whether its worth it. I would like to add that it is quite rare that you get the combo with the Morgana's: my epiphanies usually used as removal, and sometimes just thrown to face if nothing is going on. The card draw from Epiphany is super clutch, and it gives us an answer to Giant Pangolin (!!) and Guild Enforcer (!), whereas Wyrmbreath does not.
I would definitely buy a Monolith of Storms, insanse synergy with this deck and sort of fills the Wyrmbreath role which you were seeking: can be used for clearing, but also as 7-9-11 damage to face occasionally. Sick card, but not really used otherwise. There are a couple of other legendaries as well: from the top of my head I can imagine the 'final draft' guy could be quite useful. I would also switch out the Basilisk for an Iron-tooth, as that is a much better removal card. There might be something better, but from the cards that I've seen, these are my first concerns.
Well thought out answers, personally I'd probably put Wyrmbreath in there and maybe take out Sip and maybe one Defend the Ramparts, not sure. I actually have all those cards that you were talking about adding, maybe I'll give it a try. And luckily for you Demetrios and Monolith are not that expensive, so when we finally get our GODS distribution you can pick them both up!
You might be onto something, perhaps has a one-of. I dont see it being a 2x card though, kinda like the 'deal 4 dmg' 2-mana card. I definitely could: I will likely use my moneys on building another deck though, as I have wrong a bit tired of this deck.. It's not a deck where you can just chill and play on curve, I need one of those in my life haha. I was looking at rush deception, seems lit. I've also got some legendary packs from the run, perhaps I stumble onto a little Monolith..