Thanks again for the prize!
I was thinking of doing a Hidden Rush deck because I didn't want to depend on the RNG of Order Deception, and I think that you really need Frumentarii Instigator to refuel your hand as you can play a lot of cards quickly. Assassin's Aim on a JinxBlade Duelist got me a couple of times before, but yea two of them might be too much if you have low health creatures. I'm now at Deception for my Gauntlet next weekend but unfortunately the really good Hidden Rush cards like Shade Walker and the hidden cat isn't quite budget :(
My first thought of Frumentarii Instigator was that it would be too slow to run in such a deck, but I guess I wouldn't know if I didn't actually give it a chance. Maybe I might try it out a bit later, but I'm not really feeling Deception for the next week haha.
TBH the hidden cat isn't all that, it's pretty bad against Selena's Mark and has less damage throughput than other 1-drops sometimes I feel.
I'm gonna try an Aggro Guild deck I think and hopefully it does cool things haha, keep an eye out for a post after the weekend!