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RE: Budget Control War...and Patience!

in Gods On Chain2 years ago

Oh wow, what a rad article! ::grins::

Really like seeing more peeps work with the deck, and the breakdown really helps with getting some new insight about it. I'm interested to try out your Take the Reins modification myself. It could be much nicer to just steal the huge endgame creatures instead of saving multiple resources to handle them!

Thanks for crediting me; it's been exciting working on finding a viable budget build or 3. Def want to also give props to @clutch_gu for his helpful suggestions when I was still narrowing down the build.

One small editing request- GUDecks is incorrectly showing only the use of 1 GP but I have been using the 2 GPs and with the same strategy mentioned here.

I hope this article gets more peeps confident about trying out the build so we can all keep learning!


Oh stupid gudecks! I'll edit.