My $29.25 USD Aggro Deception F2P Deck Breakdown!

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

What's up Guys?


I have been testing some archetypes wich I have never used before! Some I'll bring in a near future, but for now here I have, an amazing "F2P Aggro Deception" deck!

I haven't ever played Aggro Deception before, and it is really cool to be honest haha! I thought at first I would have problems with the other God Power (Orpheo's Distraction) however, it really fitted my deck!

Also I had some changes from the last post I made, addressing this current "Blessing Meta" and an archetype change from Order to Aggro. Cards not listed here, are in my last Deception Deck post.

We can see here on cardsunchained Ludia has got the best winrate in the last 30 days! Although I know other sites show her in the 2nd postition, behind Elyrian (Mage).

Wich is kind of very cool I think, because she rises in outplaying the enemy. Sometimes using their own tools against them, sometimes surprising, and is very cool to me that I can still build two F2P decks of this very strong God! They have different archetypes, but both are strong too! Very versatile..


Budget Aggro Deception (0.0100 ETH or $29.25 USD)


First of all, unlike the other deck I have, I'm running Orpheo's Distraction. The reasons are quite a few, so I'll try to enumerate some:


  • Orpheo's can be offensive, making you literally ignore ANY frontline blocking your beautiful field man! You make those threats useless, because you can do that every turn haha. It really messes with their head.

  • Also this God Power can be defensive, in a way that you can put your creatures in shadows and make them avoid any target spells or attacks for one turn! This opens up a great window of opportunity.. especially comboing with Ludia's Dedicant.

  • One more good reason is the 1 damage for 2 mana but with Target! Just like good and ol' Magic (Elyrian) God. However, to be used in creatures instead of any character.


Deck Breakdown



Ok basically, I have included this one because I tend to see a lot of death players haha! So in this case I'll be safe, and pretty much guarantee my victory if I'm able to pull it off in the right time.

Stoneskin Poison


In most cases here, we'll use it to negate a Frontline for 2 turns. But you can clear clear some big threats to your board too. Try not to use it even in Armor(1)/Regen(1) creatures, because it is way less effective.

Umber Arrow


I think it is really low-cost card man. If timed right, you'll be able to clear key creatures from the opponent! Avoid using on confused creatures, and you'll kill 2 of them for only 2 mana!

Ludia's Dedicant


I needed to buy this card for a while, because it helps to put up Favor for our Goddess Ludia! Also, if you use God's Power (you can use it in it) you can get a copy of a card from your opponent's deck. Plus it's a 3 mana for 3/3 stats!

Vault Vagabond


Asides from grabbing another card from opponents deck, this card has a hidden effect.. Wich is, foresee the top card of your opponents deck! Use this to outplay him in his next play. An easy proc, for the 1 turn hidden effect.

Inconspicuous Carriage


Good card, and with a bit of luck can punish hard the dude. Even more if he's lazy about reading dem' cards..😂. The damage from roar plus the frontline with great stats fits good both to protect board and attack.

Spiked Tea


Kind of a tweaked expensivier version of hunting trap haha, that's why we only have one of it. However, it can clear the path to you to the Oppas' God face, while still kind of holding the pressure because of the confusion to enemies.

Stolen Plans


Once you use this, you're presented three cards in your screen and you got to pick one. All the times I've used since I added it, I got good options to choose from and sometimes I could even pick Legendaries.


End Notes

This archetype to me is quite strong, although I still have to play it more to be able to see if it is better than the other Deck I have of Order Deception running Thievery God Power..

Soon I'll come up with a gameplay video for this last one mentioned, because I think it will sum up better the versatility of Ludia. At least I hope so, because that is just what I would like to show you guys.

Thanks for reading my post guys, and I hope you liked the content and that it could be useful to you! Stay safe, o/


In-Game Photos













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