Some buffs and nerfs that are needed! (My opinion)

in Gods On Chainlast year

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Hello everyone,

It has been a while now since the latest expansion, Tides of Fate have been release. And we still yet to see a big patch or some significant changes with the cards released in it. But that is definitely going to come eventually and many stuff might change, along with it might come a meta shift as well.

No one can certainely predict what these changes will be, but one might try and guess based on how the game is going and what the meta is. So in this post I will be talking about some cards that I think should receive either a buff or a nerf and I will explain why as well!

Card that needs a nerf

Keep in mind I will not be talking about all the cards that I think needs a nerf, just the top ones that I think it is important to do so!

Claw and Fang

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I have always complained about this card and will always do. In my opinion this is the first card that should get nerfed out of all the cards. Manasurging 5 is not that difficult first of all, and then you get to do 4 damage which you can choose to split in half between 2 targets or target 1 AND get to heal 4 as well! You can even hot face with it 2 times! FOR 1 MANA!

I think they should either make it "deal 2 damage to a creature" or make it do 1 damage instead!

Enduring Archive

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The stats on this creature as a 4 mana cards are really good, but with a protected each turn added to them it becomes really annoying. I think they should keep the shield concept just to make the card a bit unique, but nerf either the damage or the HP.

Replicator Alpha and Arrandion, Ancient Leykeeper

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Just for the fact that Zaskia, Sentinel of Sartonia exists in the game, it makes it so much easier to Manasurge these cards which in turn makes them really OP in a way you do not have to wait for 8 mana or 9 mana to manasurge them respectively. As individual cards they are pretty balanced for the fact that you need to manasurge them which takes time, however, paired with Zaskiya they become so annoying and need a small nerf!

Cards that needs a buff

Here I will be talking about some cards that have potential and needs maybe a small buff or change as well as cards that are dead and needs a whole new switch!

Manasurge Prototype

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This card have a pretty good win rate, yet with a very low use rate. I feel it has some potential with some changes, it can be a good addition for some aggro decks and adds a bit of a new taste to the game since its effect is somewhat unique!

Tinker Tinker

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I feel like this card will synergize really well, and be really effective with the atlantean archetype if it was tweaked a little bit. The archetype is already effective and really good, but it is also fun to add verierty of cards that are effective in it and give the player the options to choose which ones he wants to use. Not almost always using the exact same cards because they work best!

Pirate Bully

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Now this card is absolutely ruined, with a use rate of only 0.8%! It is like almost no one ever is using it at all and it deserves some sort of buff or rework to make it at least playeable somewhere and make it a little bit more attractive!


Overall this expansion so far has been a success in my opinion. There were no cards that absolutely ruined the game and made it depend on them so much, a new taste and effects were added for more fun, new archetypes were brought in which gave the game the sweet touch we needed for a while! However, it is of course almost impossible to make a perfect expansion without the need for some changes, and here some of the changes that are good in my opinion.

We have to keep in mind that it is impossible to make all cards effective and good at the same time, but the goal here must be to try and bring as much variety as possible, while also not leaving any cards segregated and almost never used!

That was it for this one, these are changes that I think are coming or I think are needed, for now we will have to wait and see what the developers have in mind. I am not surprised a balance patch took time since the set is pretty balanced overall! Take care and I will see you on the next one!

Mad Love, Peace out <3


I agree with Arrandion, it is such a pesky card, imagine, if you got 6 spells in your hand and all of them cost "0", that's crazy!

I agree with you on everything except Pirate Bully. He's basically designed for void-dragon Death decks. Those haven't become terribly popular, but he plays an important role there.

Makes sense although I never saw it being played before, and also I saw a staggering 0.8% use rate for him. But I guess he just belongs to a deck that is not used much.