Starting with 7 mana.
- Overclock onto Marauder to give it +1 strength and twin strike. Down to 6 mana.
- Send Marauder into the 3/6 to kill it. Draw Stoneskin.
- Stoneskin the 4/8. Down to 5 mana.
- Send Marauder face for 7 damage.
These cards have now been reduced by 4 mana each:
a. AoM to 5 mana
b. both Epiphanys to 2 mana each
c. Pyrric to 0 mana
Starting with 5 mana
- Epiphany(1) to face for 6 damage (total now 13 damage). Down to 3 mana.
- Epiphany(2) to face for 6 damage (total now 19 damage). Down to 1 mana.
- 0 mana Pyrric. Grab the Arcane Burst.
Void now contains the following spells of 3 mana or less:
1. 1st Sleep Dart
2. 2nd Sleep Dart
3. Hunting Trap
4. Overclock
5. Stoneskin
6. Pyrric
- Play the 0 mana Arcane Burst to face for 6 damage FTW (total now 25 damage)